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Function Map
Performs peak intensity detection in every lane (row or column) of the source image.
void MimLocatePeak1d(
MIL_ID ContextId, //in
MIL_ID SrcImageBufId, //in
MIL_ID ResultId, //in
MIL_INT PeakWidthNominal, //in
MIL_INT PeakWidthDelta, //in
MIL_DOUBLE MinContrast, //in
MIL_INT64 ControlFlag, //in
MIL_DOUBLE ControlValue //in

This function detects the position and the intensity of a peak in every lane (row or column) of an image. It is well suited for applications that generate 3D data based on laser line or sheet of light profiling.

The function iterates through each lane. For each lane, the function determines the pixels that are in the peak neighborhood, as defined by PeakWidthNominal, PeakWidthDelta, and MinContrast. For each such region, it finds the position of the highest intensity with sub-pixel accuracy, and calculates the average intensity around that position. The position can be retrieved in a fixed-point representation, with 0 to 7 fractional bits.

For optimal performance, preprocess the result buffer by calling MimLocatePeak1d() with M_PREPROCESS. You can choose to preprocess with or without an image. When preprocessing with an image, specify a typical image in the series of images that you will process with MimLocatePeak1d(). The preprocessed image's size and bit depth are stored. When preprocessing without an image (SrcImageBufId set to M_NULL), you must specify the number of scan lanes in a typical image in the series with ControlFlag. When preprocessing without an image, it is assumed that all images are 8-bit unsigned.

If the preprocess operation is not done explicitly (using M_PREPROCESS), MimLocatePeak1d() will preprocess the result buffer internally when it is first called. If a new image in the series has a different size or bit depth than the image used to preprocess, MimLocatePeak1d() will preprocess the result buffer again, given the new image's characteristics.

In a noisy image, or any image that might have multiple peaks in a single lane, such as when the object or surface is highly reflective, MimLocatePeak1d() can record the position and intensity of multiple peaks in a lane. You can create a custom application that sifts through the multiple peaks in each lane to determine the best peak in the lane for your needs. To record multiple peaks in a lane, use MimControl() with M_NUMBER_OF_PEAKS set to the maximum number of peaks to record. For more information, see the Multiple peaks in a single lane subsection of the Peak intensity detection and depth maps section of Chapter 5: Specialized image processing.

You can retrieve the calculated results from the result buffer using MimGetResultSingle().

MimLocatePeak1d() can accumulate results from multiple frames in one result buffer. To do so, you must set MimControl() with M_NUMBER_OF_FRAMES, which is the maximum number of frames for which results can be accumulated in the result buffer. When calling MimLocatePeak1d(), set M_FRAME_INDEX to the appropriate index in the result buffer which corresponds to the frame for which to store results.

MimLocatePeak1d() supports multi-frame image buffers. When passing a multi-frame image buffer, you must set MimControl() with M_FRAME_SIZE to the Y-size of each individual frame. For information on multi-frame image buffers, see the Specifying the dimensions of a multi-frame image buffer subsection of the Specifying the dimensions of a data buffer section of Chapter 21: Data buffers. Note that the total number of frames (M_NUMBER_OF_FRAMES) can be different from the frame capacity of the source image buffer. For example, if the source image buffer has a 5-frame capacity and you have 10 total frames to process, 2 calls to MimLocatePeak1d() can be done before calling MimGetResultSingle(). Typically, you would set M_FRAME_INDEX to frame 0 on the first call to MimLocatePeak1d(); then, set it to frame 5 on the second call. Finally, it is important to set M_FRAME_INDEX such that the result buffer can hold all results produced from the call. That is, there must be enough indices available in the result buffer to accommodate results from all frames in the source image buffer. For more information on peak extraction from a multi-frame image buffer, see the Extraction of peaks from a multi-frame buffer subsection of the Peak intensity detection and depth maps section of Chapter 5: Specialized image processing.

For results obtained from laser line images, you can draw an uncorrected depth map or intensity map using MimDraw() with M_DRAW_DEPTH_MAP_ROW or M_DRAW_INTENSITY_MAP_ROW, respectively. For more information, see the Generating an uncorrected depth map subsection of the Peak intensity detection and depth maps section of Chapter 5: Specialized image processing.

To verify that the peak was found at the right location, you can draw the calculated peak intensities at the calculated positions into an image buffer using MimDraw() with M_DRAW_PEAKS.

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Specifies the identifier of the image processing context.

The image processing context must have been previously allocated using MimAlloc() with M_LOCATE_PEAK_1D_CONTEXT.


Specifies the identifier of the source image buffer.

Note that this function only supports 8- and 16-bit unsigned source image buffers.

This image buffer must not have a region of interest (ROI) associated with it. Using an image buffer with an ROI will cause an error.

This image buffer must not have an associated camera calibration context. Using an image buffer with an associated camera calibration context will cause an error.

When preprocessing (M_PREPROCESS), you can specify an image in the series, or you can set this parameter to M_NULL.


Specifies the identifier of the image processing result buffer in which to store results. The result buffer must have been allocated using MimAllocResult() with M_LOCATE_PEAK_1D_RESULT.


Specifies the nominal (expected average) width of the peak neighborhood. In laser line images, this is the average width of the laser line.

function map For specifying the nominal width of the peak
Click to summarizeValue Description
Click to summarize M_DEFAULT

Specifies to use the value of the control type M_PEAK_WIDTH_NOMINAL, set using MimControl(). The default value of M_PEAK_WIDTH_NOMINAL is 20.

Click to summarize M_NULL

Specifies to ignore this parameter. This setting should be used exclusively when ControlFlag is set to M_PREPROCESS; this is the only possible setting in this case.

Click to summarize Value > 0

Specifies the average width, in pixels.


Specifies the number of pixels that can be added to or subtracted from the nominal width, when determining the range of allowable widths of the peak neighborhood.

PeakWidthNominal plus PeakWidthDelta defines the maximum width of the peak neighborhood. PeakWidthNominal minus PeakWidthDelta defines the minimum width of the peak neighborhood.

function map For specifying the variance of the width of the peak
Click to summarizeValue Description
Click to summarize M_DEFAULT

Specifies to use the value of the control type M_PEAK_WIDTH_DELTA, set using MimControl(). The default value of M_PEAK_WIDTH_DELTA is 20.

Click to summarize M_NULL

Specifies to ignore this parameter. This setting should be used exclusively when ControlFlag is set to M_PREPROCESS; this is the only possible setting in this case.

Click to summarize Value > 0

Specifies the maximum amount of variance from the nominal width, in pixels.


Specifies the minimum contrast (difference) between the intensity of the local background and the minimum acceptable intensity of pixels in the peak neighborhood.

function map For specifying the contrast that defines the peak
Click to summarizeValue Description
Click to summarize M_DEFAULT

Specifies to use the value of the control type M_MINIMUM_CONTRAST, set using MimControl(). The default value of M_MINIMUM_CONTRAST is 100.

Click to summarize M_NULL

Specifies to ignore this parameter. This setting should be used exclusively when ControlFlag is set to M_PREPROCESS; this is the only possible setting in this case.

Click to summarize 0 <= Value <= 65534

Specifies the minimum difference in intensity.

Note that the default value is 100, regardless of the bit depth of the image. To keep the default functionality in a 16-bit image, set this value to 25,600.


Specifies whether to explicitly preprocess the image processing result buffer; or specifies a frame index for which to extract peaks.

See the Parameter associations section for possible values that can be specified.


Specifies the required value for the ControlFlag setting.

See the Parameter associations section for possible values that can be specified.

The table below lists possible values for the ControlFlag and ControlValue parameters.

The following ControlFlag and corresponding ControlValue parameter settings are used to control preprocessing and for specifying the frame index.

function map For specifying preprocessing or for specifying the frame index into which peaks will be extracted
Click to summarizeControlFlag Description
Click to summarize M_DEFAULT

Specifies to perform the peak intensity detection on the specified image.

When the specified image processing result buffer has not been preprocessed or has been preprocessed with an image that has different characteristics than SrcImageBufId, (for instance, size or bit depth), MimLocatePeak1d() will automatically preprocess the image processing result buffer before performing the peak intensity detection.

If a multi-frame image buffer is used (MimControl() with M_FRAME_SIZE not set to M_FULL_SIZE), peak extraction begins at the first frame (frame 0).

Click to summarize M_DEFAULT

Specifies the default behavior.

Click to summarize M_FRAME_INDEX

Specifies the frame index in the M_LOCATE_PEAK_1D_RESULT result buffer into which extractions will be accumulated. If processing a multi-frame image buffer, this sets the first frame index in the result buffer into which extractions will be accumulated.

When accumulating results from multiple calls to MimLocatePeak1d(), set M_FRAME_INDEX to the appropriate index in the result buffer. If using a multi-frame image buffer, specify a frame index that is subsequent to the frames processed in the preceding call, so as not to overwrite previous results.

Click to summarize M_DEFAULT

Specifies the default value; the default value is 0.

Click to summarize 0 <= Value < M_NUMBER_OF_FRAMES

Specifies the frame index into which peaks will be accumulated.

Click to summarize M_PREPROCESS

Specifies to preprocess the specified image processing result buffer. When M_PREPROCESS is specified, set PeakWidthNominal, PeakWidthDelta, and MinContrast to M_NULL.

Click to summarize M_DEFAULT

Specifies the default behavior, when preprocessing with a source image.

Click to summarize Value >= 1

Specifies the number of scan lanes in subsequent source images, when preprocessing without an image (ControlFlag set to M_PREPROCESS and SrcImageBufId set to M_NULL).

Compilation information
Header Include mil.h.
Library Use mil.lib; milim.lib.
DLL Requires mil.dll; milim.dll.