Filter values by
Measurement marker type
  • General measurement marker
  • Stripe measurement marker
  • Edge measurement marker
  • Circle measurement marker
  • Point measurement marker
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Function Map
Set an essential characteristic of a marker.
void MmeasSetMarker(
MIL_ID MarkerId, //in
MIL_INT64 CharacteristicToSet, //in
MIL_DOUBLE FirstValue, //in
MIL_DOUBLE SecondValue //in

This function sets an essential characteristic of a marker. Essential characteristics are used in determining the location of an edge, stripe, or circle marker in a target image, or specifying the position of point markers, which are generally used as a reference marker. MmeasFindMarker() locates the edges, stripes, or circle that best correspond to the specified marker's characteristics. A marker's characteristics should describe the marker as accurately as possible to ensure that it will be successfully located in an image.

Note that when using a C compiler (not a C++ or other compiler) in 64-bit mode, MmeasSetMarker() internally calls the MIL_DOUBLE version of this function (MmeasSetMarkerDouble()). If you need to pass integer values, call the MIL_INT64 version of this function (MmeasSetMarkerInt64()).
Note that this function reference has not been updated for a MIL system added during a MIL update. Refer to the MIL system's release note to see which MIL system’s documentation you should use in its place and any possible differences.
This function is not supported on the selected boards.
This function reference has not been updated for the selected MIL system. To show the content of this page, choose a second MIL system; refer to the MIL system's release note to see which MIL system’s documentation to choose and any possible differences.

Specifies the identifier of the marker.


Specifies the type of characteristic to set.

See the Parameter associations section for possible values that can be specified.


Specifies the first value to assign to the characteristic.

See the Parameter associations section for possible values that can be specified.


Specifies the second value to assign to the characteristic. If only one value is to be returned, it will be returned to FirstValue and SecondValue should be set to M_NULL.

See the Parameter associations section for possible values that can be specified.

The following CharacteristicToSet and corresponding FirstValue and SecondValue parameter settings are used to specify the expected measurement marker characteristics, for point, edge, stripe, and circle markers.

Note that the SecondValue parameter should be set to M_NULL if no parameter setting is required.

function map For point, edge, stripe, and circle markers
Click to summarize
Click to summarize M_MARKER_REFERENCE

Sets the offset at which to place the marker's reference position, relative to the marker's actual position. The reference position is only used in calculations between two markers (MmeasCalculate()).

  • For point markers, MIL measures the specified offset relative to the X- and Y-coordinates set for the point using M_POSITION.

  • For edge markers, MIL measures the specified offset relative to the X- and Y-coordinates of the edge's maximum edgevalue.

  • For stripe markers, MIL measures the specified offset relative to the X- and Y-coordinates at the center of a theoretical line between the position (maximum edgevalue) of the stripe's two outermost edges.

  • For circle markers, MIL measures the specified offset relative to the X- and Y-coordinates at the circle's center.

By default, the marker's reference position is the same as its actual position (the default offset is 0).

Click to summarize FirstValue

Specifies the X-offset at which to place the marker's reference position. INQ

Click to summarize M_DEFAULT

Specifies the default value; the default value is 0.

Click to summarize Value

Specifies the X-offset value, in the same units as the input coordinate system specified using M_MARKER_REFERENCE_INPUT_UNITS.

Click to summarize SecondValue

Specifies the Y-offset at which to place the marker's reference position. INQ

Click to summarize M_DEFAULT

Specifies the default value; the default value is 0.

Click to summarize Value

Specifies the Y-offset value, in the same units as the input coordinate system specified using M_MARKER_REFERENCE_INPUT_UNITS.


Sets the units with which to interpret M_MARKER_REFERENCE. This essentially sets the input coordinate system to use.

Click to summarize FirstValue

Specifies one of the following.INQ

Click to summarize M_DEFAULT

Same as M_PIXEL.

Click to summarize M_PIXEL

Specifies to interpret the value in pixel units, according to the pixel coordinate system.

Click to summarize M_WORLD

Specifies to interpret the value in world units, according to the relative coordinate system. If world units are specified, calling MmeasDraw() to draw expected marker characteristics or MmeasFindMarker() generates an error if the operation is not performed on a calibrated image.

Click to summarize M_RESULT_OUTPUT_UNITS

Sets whether to return results in pixels or world units. This essentially sets the output coordinate system to use.

Click to summarize FirstValue

Specifies one of the following.INQ

Click to summarize M_DEFAULT



Specifies that results are returned in world units if the result was calculated on an image associated with a camera calibration context; otherwise, specifies that results are returned in pixel units.

Click to summarize M_PIXEL

Specifies that results are returned in pixel units, according to the pixel coordinate system.

Click to summarize M_WORLD

Specifies that results are returned in world units, according to the relative coordinate system. If world units are specified, calling MmeasGetResult() or MmeasGetResultSingle() generates an error if the result was not calculated on a calibrated image.


For point, edge, and stripe markers, the CharacteristicToSet and corresponding FirstValue and SecondValue parameters can be set to the following:

Note that the SecondValue parameter should be set to M_NULL if no parameter setting is required.

function map For point, edge, and stripe markers
Click to summarize
Click to summarize M_NUMBER

Sets the number of edges or stripes to locate in the box search region, or the number of points to explicitly define (points are typically used as a reference marker). In the first case, this can be referred to as the number of marker occurrences.

When M_NUMBER is set to a value greater than 1, the marker is considered a multiple-occurrence marker. Note that a circle marker cannot be set as a multiple-occurrence marker.

For edges and stripes, unless a minimum number (M_NUMBER_MIN) is specified, no results will be returned if the number of marker occurrences found falls below M_NUMBER.

Click to summarize FirstValue

Specifies one of the following.INQ

Click to summarize M_DEFAULT

Specifies the default value; the default value is 1.

Click to summarize M_ALL

Specifies that the search should locate all edges or stripes in the box search region. This setting cannot be used for a point marker.

If using M_ALL and M_NUMBER_MIN is set to M_DEFAULT, M_NUMBER_MIN is ignored and MIL will find as many marker occurrences as it can in the image. However, if M_NUMBER_MIN is set to a value other than M_DEFAULT, this value is respected and results are returned, provided that the specified minimum number of markers are found.

Click to summarize Value

Specifies the number of edges or stripes to locate, or point markers to define.

For edge, stripe, and circle markers, the CharacteristicToSet and corresponding FirstValue and SecondValue parameters can be set to the following:

Note that the SecondValue parameter should be set to M_NULL if no parameter setting is required.

function map For edge, stripe, and circle markers
Click to summarize
Click to summarize M_EDGEVALUE_MIN

Sets the minimum edgevalue required for it to be considered an occurrence of the marker.

MIL establishes edgevalues by taking the normalized first derivative of the intensity profile, which generally resembles a peak when an edge is present. When searching for multiple edges, you might need to further constrain the edgevalues that MIL considers, using M_EDGEVALUE_VAR_MIN.

Click to summarize FirstValue

Specifies one of the following.INQ

Click to summarize M_DEFAULT

Specifies the default value; the default value is 2.0.

Click to summarize 0.0 <= Value <= 100.0

Specifies the minimum edgevalue.

A setting of 0.0 indicates that MIL considers all edgevalues, while a setting of 100.0 indicates that MIL only considers the greatest possible edgevalue. The greatest possible edgevalue results from a perfectly straight, perfectly white to perfectly black (or vice versa) grayscale transition over one pixel. If you set the minimum edgevalue to a very low value, MmeasFindMarker() can take longer to execute.

Click to summarize M_EDGEVALUE_VAR_MIN

Sets the minimum prominence required for an edge peak, for it to be considered an occurrence of the marker. To determine if the minimum prominence is met, MIL establishes a local threshold for each peak by subtracting M_EDGEVALUE_VAR_MIN from it.

The portion of the profile above the local threshold that contains the edge peak can be referred to as the peak's interval, provided that the profile eventually dips below the local threshold on both sides of its edge peak. For MIL to consider a peak to be an edge, there must be no edgevalues greater than that peak within its interval. If the local threshold calculated with M_EDGEVALUE_VAR_MIN is less than M_EDGEVALUE_MIN, the local threshold equals M_EDGEVALUE_MIN.

M_EDGEVALUE_VAR_MIN is typically used by advanced applications where you are trying to find multiple neighboring edges in the search region, which are formed such that the foreground of the first edge becomes the background of the next edge.

Click to summarize FirstValue

Specifies one of the following.INQ

Click to summarize M_DEFAULT

Specifies the default value; the default value is 100.0.

Click to summarize 0.0 <= Value <= 100.0

Specifies the minimum prominence.

A setting of 0.0 indicates no prominence; that is, MIL only considers the maximum edgevalue of the peak's interval. A setting of 100.0 (default) indicates the greatest possible prominence; that is, MIL considers all edgevalues of the peak's interval that are above M_EDGEVALUE_MIN. In this case, M_EDGEVALUE_VAR_MIN has no effect.

Click to summarize M_FILTER_SMOOTHNESS

Sets the degree of smoothness (strength of denoising) applied to the internal projection buffer of the search region during the edge extraction. The recursive edge extraction process involves a denoising operation.

Note that M_FILTER_SMOOTHNESS is only available if M_FILTER_TYPE is set to M_SHEN.

Click to summarize FirstValue

Specifies one of the following.INQ

Click to summarize M_DEFAULT

Specifies the default value; the default value is 50.0.

Click to summarize 0.0 <= Value <= 100.0

Specifies the smoothness value.

A value of 100.0 results in a strong noise reduction effect, while a value of 0.0 has almost no noise reduction effect.

Click to summarize M_FILTER_TYPE

Sets the type of the first derivative filter with which to perform the edge extraction. The edgevalue calculated for each projection value of the search region is dependent on this setting.

Click to summarize FirstValue

Specifies one of the following.INQ

Click to summarize M_DEFAULT

Same as M_EULER.

Click to summarize M_EULER

Specifies an Euler FIR filter. This filter performs a non-recursive edge extraction operation with a predefined kernel of size 2: [-1,1].

This filter is faster but more sensitive to noise, compared to M_PREWITT filter.

Click to summarize M_PREWITT

Specifies a Prewitt FIR filter. This filter performs a non-recursive edge extraction operation with a predefined kernel of size 3: [-1,0,1].

This filter is slower but less sensitive to noise, compared to M_EULER filter.

Click to summarize M_SHEN

Specifies a Shen-Castan Infinite Support Exponential filter. This is an exponential weighting function, of the general form:

This filter performs a recursive edge extraction operation using an IIR filter. If this filter actually used a kernel, the kernel size would be theoretically infinite.

This IIR filter is slower than FIR filters (M_EULER or M_PREWITT). However, this filter is less sensitive to noise and provides more accurate results. You can also control the strength of denoising applied to the projection buffer of the search region during the edge extraction, using the M_FILTER_SMOOTHNESS setting.


Sets the maximum distance between a marker's edge (either straight or circular) and its associated subedges. The subedges' positions are points extracted from the marker's subregions that are used during the fit operation. For edge and stripe markers, M_MAX_ASSOCIATION_DISTANCE is measured perpendicular from the fitted edge position, along to the search direction. For circle markers, M_MAX_ASSOCIATION_DISTANCE is measured radially from the fitted circle perimeter.

Subedges falling outside the specified maximum distance are considered outliers and are not used to perform the marker's line or circle fit operation. For edge and stripe markers, this leads to fitted edges more in line with the marker orientation and, for circle markers, this ensures that the fitted circle will be fitted on subedges roughly at the same distance from the fitted circle center.

Click to summarize FirstValue

Specifies one of the following.INQ

Click to summarize M_DEFAULT


Click to summarize M_MAX_POSSIBLE_VALUE

Specifies that there is no maximum distance; the entire search region is searched for subedges.

Click to summarize Value

Specifies the distance, in the units of the input coordinate system specified using M_MAX_ASSOCIATION_DISTANCE_INPUT_UNITS.


Sets the units with which to interpret M_MAX_ASSOCIATION_DISTANCE. This essentially sets the input coordinate system to use.

Click to summarize FirstValue

Specifies one of the following.INQ

Click to summarize M_DEFAULT

Same as M_PIXEL.

Click to summarize M_PIXEL

Specifies to interpret the value in pixel units, according to the pixel coordinate system.

Click to summarize M_WORLD

Specifies to interpret the value in world units, according to the relative coordinate system. If world units are specified, calling MmeasDraw() to draw expected marker characteristics or MmeasFindMarker() generates an error if the operation is not performed on a calibrated image.

Click to summarize M_POLARITY

Specifies the polarity of the marker. Polarity indicates whether an edge must be a rising edge (increase in grayscale value) or a falling edge (decrease in grayscale value).

Click to summarize FirstValue

Specifies the polarity of the edge. For stripe markers, this is the polarity of the first edge. INQ

Click to summarize M_DEFAULT

Same as M_ANY.

Click to summarize M_ANY

Specifies that polarity is not considered.

Click to summarize M_NEGATIVE

Specifies that the polarity of the edge is negative (falling edge). For circle markers, this indicates that the inside of the ring-shaped region has a greater grayscale value (falling edge from inside to outside).

Click to summarize M_POSITIVE

Specifies that the polarity of the edge is positive (rising edge). For circle markers, this indicates that the inside of the ring-shaped region has a lower grayscale value (rising edge from inside to outside).

Click to summarize SecondValue

Specifies the polarity of the second edge of a stripe. INQ

Click to summarize M_DEFAULT


Click to summarize M_NULL

Specifies that this parameter does not apply.

This setting must be used for edge and circle markers.

Click to summarize M_ANY

Specifies that the polarity is not considered.

Click to summarize M_NEGATIVE

Specifies that the polarity of the second edge is negative (falling edge).

Click to summarize M_OPPOSITE

Specifies that the polarity of the second edge of a stripe marker is the opposite of that of the first edge.

Click to summarize M_POSITIVE

Specifies that the polarity of the second edge is positive (rising edge).

Click to summarize M_SAME

Specifies that the polarity of the second edge of a stripe marker is the same as that of the first edge.


Sets whether MIL can automatically clip the marker's search region, when it falls outside the image.

This setting is ignored unless the search region's size is explicitly set. That is, the values specified with M_BOX_SIZE are not set to M_DEFAULT.

Click to summarize FirstValue

Specifies one of the following.INQ

Click to summarize M_DEFAULT

Same as M_DISABLE.

Click to summarize M_DISABLE

Specifies that the search region cannot be automatically clipped. In this case, if the search region falls outside the image, the marker cannot be found (unless you are using subregions).

Click to summarize M_MAXIMIZE_AREA

Specifies that, if the search region falls outside the image, MIL can automatically clip the region according to the best valid area in which to search, and the marker can still be found. The modified region is internally created by MIL; the actual search region that you defined is never altered.

The automatically determined region must be inscribed by the defined search region, must be within the boundaries of the image, and must meet the specified M_SEARCH_REGION_CLIPPING_... conditions. MIL will not clip the region if it cannot adhere to all of these requirements.


Sets the minimum area requirement for the clipped region that can be internally created when using M_SEARCH_REGION_CLIPPING with M_MAXIMIZE_AREA.

Click to summarize FirstValue

Specifies one of the following.INQ

Click to summarize M_DEFAULT

Specifies the default value; the default value is 0.0.

Click to summarize Value >= 0.0

Specifies the minimum area required for the clipped region, in pixels.


Sets the minimum width requirement for the clipped region that can be internally created when using M_SEARCH_REGION_CLIPPING with M_MAXIMIZE_AREA.

Click to summarize FirstValue

Specifies one of the following.INQ

Click to summarize M_DEFAULT

Specifies the default value; the default value is 0.0.

Click to summarize Value >= 0.0

Specifies the minimum height required for the clipped region, in pixels.


Sets the minimum width requirement for the clipped region that can be internally created when using M_SEARCH_REGION_CLIPPING with M_MAXIMIZE_AREA.

Click to summarize FirstValue

Specifies one of the following.INQ

Click to summarize M_DEFAULT

Specifies the default value; the default value is 0.0.

Click to summarize Value >= 0.0

Specifies the minimum width required for the clipped region, in pixels.


Sets the center requirement for the clipped region that can be internally created when using M_SEARCH_REGION_CLIPPING with M_MAXIMIZE_AREA. All the settings are available to edge and stripe markers, but only M_DEFAULT and M_AUTO are available to circle markers.

Click to summarize FirstValue

Specifies one of the following.INQ

Click to summarize M_DEFAULT

Same as M_AUTO.

Click to summarize M_ALONG_HEIGHT

Specifies that the center, along the height of the defined search region, must be preserved in the clipped region. This setting is not available for circle markers.

Click to summarize M_ALONG_WIDTH

Specifies that the center, along the width of the defined search region, must be preserved in the clipped region. This setting is not available for circle markers.

Click to summarize M_AUTO

Specifies that MIL will determine how the center of the defined search region will be preserved in the clipped region. For edge and stripe markers, M_AUTO is the same as M_NONE. For circle markers, M_AUTO is the only possible value.

Click to summarize M_NONE

Specifies that the clipped region need not preserve the center of the defined search region. This setting is not available for circle markers.


Sets the units with which to interpret M_BOX_CENTER, M_BOX_ORIGIN, M_BOX_SIZE, M_BOX_ANGLE, M_BOX_ANGLE_ACCURACY, M_BOX_ANGLE_TOLERANCE, M_BOX_ANGLE_DELTA_POS, M_BOX_ANGLE_DELTA_NEG, M_RING_CENTER, M_RING_RADII, and M_SUB_REGIONS_CHORD_ANGLE. This essentially sets the input coordinate system to use.

Click to summarize FirstValue

Specifies one of the following.INQ

Click to summarize M_DEFAULT

Same as M_PIXEL.

Click to summarize M_PIXEL

Specifies to interpret the values in pixel units, according to the pixel coordinate system.

Click to summarize M_WORLD

Specifies to interpret the values in world units, according to the relative coordinate system. If world units are specified, calling MmeasDraw() to draw expected marker characteristics or MmeasFindMarker() generates an error if the operation is not performed on a calibrated image.

Click to summarize M_SUB_REGIONS_NUMBER

Sets the number of sections in which to divide the search region. Since a subregion of each section is processed, this number also corresponds to the number of subregions to process.

For circle markers, this value will give each subregion the same area; that is, each subregion will occupy (360/M_SUB_REGIONS_NUMBER) o of the circle.

For edge and stripe markers, if you specify one subregion when multiple subregions are required (for example, when using MmeasFindMarker() with M_DEFAULT, M_ANGLE, or M_LINE_EQUATION), MIL internally uses three subregions.

Click to summarize FirstValue

Specifies one of the following.INQ

Click to summarize M_DEFAULT

Specifies the default value. For edge and stripe markers, the default is one. For circle markers, the default is eight.

Click to summarize 1 <= Value < 8

Specifies a number of sections (subregions) that can only be used for edge and stripe markers.

Click to summarize Value >= 8

Specifies a number of sections (subregions) that can be used for edge, stripe, and circle markers.

Click to summarize M_SUBPIXEL_MODE

Sets how MIL calculates subpixel positions.

Click to summarize FirstValue

Specifies one of the following.INQ

Click to summarize M_DEFAULT

Same as M_LOCAL.

Click to summarize M_GLOBAL

Specifies that MIL calculates subpixel positions based on the entire region within which the edge is found. This mode is recommended when measuring wide edges.

Click to summarize M_LOCAL

Specifies that MIL calculates subpixel positions based on the immediate neighborhood within which the edge's maximum edgevalue is found. This mode offers more precision, but can be less stable with wide edges.


For edge and stripe markers, the CharacteristicToSet and corresponding FirstValue and SecondValue parameters can be set to the following:

Note that the SecondValue parameter should be set to M_NULL if no parameter setting is required.

function map For edge and stripe markers
Click to summarize
Click to summarize M_BOX_ANGLE

Sets the angle of the box search region.

The center of rotation of the box search region is set with M_BOX_ANGLE_REFERENCE.

Click to summarize FirstValue

Specifies one of the following.INQ

Click to summarize M_DEFAULT

Specifies the default value; the default value is 0°.

Click to summarize M_ANY

Specifies that the content of the box search region is analyzed to automatically determine the angle of the marker.

Click to summarize 0 <= Value <= 360

Specifies the angle of the box search region, in degrees, in the units of the input coordinate system specified using M_SEARCH_REGION_INPUT_UNITS.

An angle interpreted using the pixel coordinate system is always measured counter-clockwise. For information on the angle's direction of rotation when interpreting the angle according to the relative coordinate system, see the Angle convention in MIL subsection of the Working with real-world units section of Chapter 26: Calibrating your camera setup.

Click to summarize M_BOX_ANGLE_ACCURACY

Sets the accuracy of the angular search.

This determines the size of the step angle to use once the approximate location of the marker is found.

Click to summarize FirstValue

Specifies one of the following.INQ

Click to summarize M_DEFAULT

Same as M_DISABLE.

Click to summarize M_DISABLE

Specifies the angle of accuracy to be equal to the angle of tolerance.

Click to summarize 0.1 <= Value <= 180.0

Specifies the accuracy of the angular search, in degrees, in the units of the input coordinate system specified using M_SEARCH_REGION_INPUT_UNITS.

Click to summarize M_BOX_ANGLE_DELTA_NEG

Sets the negative range of angles within which to search for the marker.

The search is performed between the range of angles defined by: (M_BOX_ANGLE - M_BOX_ANGLE_DELTA_NEG) to (M_BOX_ANGLE + M_BOX_ANGLE_DELTA_POS), inclusively, starting with an angle closest to that of M_BOX_ANGLE.

Note that the search region must fit entirely inside the target image, unless subregions are used or clipping is enabled. If don't use subregions or enable clipping, and you choose a location, size, or search angle that causes the box to extend beyond the edge of the target image, the marker cannot be found (MmeasGetResult() with M_VALID_FLAG will return M_FALSE).

Click to summarize FirstValue

Specifies one of the following.INQ

Click to summarize M_DEFAULT

Specifies the default negative range of angles, in degrees.

For a symmetrical stripe marker (a marker set with M_OPPOSITE), the default is 180.0.

For an edge marker or a non-symmetrical stripe marker, the default is 360.0.

Click to summarize 0.1 <= Value <= 360.0

Specifies the negative range of angles, in degrees, in the units of the input coordinate system specified using M_SEARCH_REGION_INPUT_UNITS.

Click to summarize M_BOX_ANGLE_DELTA_POS

Sets the positive range of angles within which to search for the marker.

The search is performed between the range of angles defined by: (M_BOX_ANGLE - M_BOX_ANGLE_DELTA_NEG) to (M_BOX_ANGLE + M_BOX_ANGLE_DELTA_POS), inclusively, starting with an angle closest to that of M_BOX_ANGLE.

Note that the search region must fit entirely inside the target image, unless subregions are used or clipping is enabled. If don't use subregions or enable clipping, and you choose a location, size, or search angle that causes the box to extend beyond the edge of the target image, the marker cannot be found (MmeasGetResult() with M_VALID_FLAG will return M_FALSE).

Click to summarize FirstValue

Specifies one of the following.INQ

Click to summarize M_DEFAULT

Specifies the default positive range of angles, in degrees.

For a symmetrical stripe marker (a marker set with M_OPPOSITE), the default is 180.0.

For an edge marker or a non-symmetrical stripe marker, the default is 360.0.

Click to summarize 0.1 <= Value <= 360.0

Specifies the positive range of angles, in degrees, in the units of the input coordinate system specified using M_SEARCH_REGION_INPUT_UNITS.

Click to summarize M_BOX_ANGLE_MODE

Enables the use of multiple-angle search, as specified by the settings of other M_BOX_ANGLE... characteristics. The angle of the marker with the highest match score is returned. For an edge marker, this is the score of the edge, and for a stripe marker, this is the mean score of the edges.

Click to summarize FirstValue

Specifies one of the following.INQ

Click to summarize M_DEFAULT

Same as M_DISABLE.

Click to summarize M_DISABLE

Specifies that the search should only be performed at the angle specified by M_BOX_ANGLE.

Click to summarize M_ENABLE

Specifies that multiple-angle search is enabled.

Click to summarize M_BOX_ANGLE_REFERENCE

Sets the center of rotation to use when M_BOX_ANGLE is not zero.

Note that the search region must fit entirely inside the target image, unless subregions are used or clipping is enabled. If don't use subregions or enable clipping, and you choose a location, size, or search angle that causes the box to extend beyond the edge of the target image, the marker cannot be found (MmeasGetResult() with M_VALID_FLAG will return M_FALSE).

Click to summarize FirstValue

Specifies one of the following.INQ

Click to summarize M_DEFAULT


Click to summarize M_BOX_CENTER

Specifies the center of the box search region as the center of rotation. Use the M_BOX_CENTER characteristic to set the coordinates of the center of the box search region.

Click to summarize M_BOX_ORIGIN

Specifies the top-left corner of the box search region as the center of rotation. Use the M_BOX_ORIGIN characteristic to set the coordinates of the top-left corner of the box search region.

Click to summarize M_BOX_ANGLE_TOLERANCE

Sets the rotation tolerance of the marker.

This is the full range of degrees within which a marker can be rotated from a box search region that is at a specific angle and still be found. This determines the step angle used for a multiple-angle search.

Click to summarize FirstValue

Specifies one of the following.INQ

Click to summarize M_DEFAULT

Specifies the default value; the default value is 5.0.

Click to summarize 0.1 <= Value <= 360.0

Specifies the rotation tolerance, in degrees, in the units of the input coordinate system specified using M_SEARCH_REGION_INPUT_UNITS.

Click to summarize M_BOX_CENTER

Sets the coordinates of the center of the box search region.

Note that the search region must fit entirely inside the target image, unless subregions are used or clipping is enabled. If don't use subregions or enable clipping, and you choose a location, size, or search angle that causes the box to extend beyond the edge of the target image, the marker cannot be found (MmeasGetResult() with M_VALID_FLAG will return M_FALSE).

When you change M_BOX_CENTER, MIL recalculates M_BOX_ORIGIN, relative to the new center position.

Click to summarize FirstValue

Specifies the X-coordinate of the center of the box search region. INQ

Click to summarize M_DEFAULT

Specifies the default X-coordinate of the center of the box search region. This depends on the input coordinate system specified using M_SEARCH_REGION_INPUT_UNITS. If using pixel units, the default center is the center of the pixel coordinate system. If using world units, the default center is the origin of the relative coordinate system.

Click to summarize Value

Specifies the X-coordinate of the center of the box search region, in the units of the input coordinate system specified using M_SEARCH_REGION_INPUT_UNITS.

Click to summarize SecondValue

Specifies the Y-coordinate of the center of the box search region. INQ

Click to summarize M_DEFAULT

Specifies the default Y-coordinate of the center of the box search region. This depends on the input coordinate system specified using M_SEARCH_REGION_INPUT_UNITS. If using pixel units, the default center is the center of the pixel coordinate system. If using world units, the default center is the origin of the relative coordinate system.

Click to summarize Value

Specifies the Y-coordinate of the center of the box search region, in the units of the input coordinate system specified using M_SEARCH_REGION_INPUT_UNITS.

Click to summarize M_BOX_ORIGIN

Sets the coordinates of the top-left corner of the box search region.

Note that the search region must fit entirely inside the target image, unless subregions are used or clipping is enabled. If don't use subregions or enable clipping, and you choose a location, size, or search angle that causes the box to extend beyond the edge of the target image, the marker cannot be found (MmeasGetResult() with M_VALID_FLAG will return M_FALSE).

When you change M_BOX_ORIGIN, MIL recalculates M_BOX_CENTER, relative to the new box origin.

Click to summarize FirstValue

Specifies the X-coordinate of the origin of the box search region. INQ

Click to summarize M_DEFAULT

Specifies the default X-coordinate of the origin of the box search region. The default origin is the origin of the input coordinate system specified using M_SEARCH_REGION_INPUT_UNITS.

Click to summarize Value

Specifies the X-coordinate of the origin of the box search region, in the units of the input coordinate system specified using M_SEARCH_REGION_INPUT_UNITS.

Click to summarize SecondValue

Specifies the Y-coordinate of the origin of the box search region. INQ

Click to summarize M_DEFAULT

Specifies the default Y-coordinate of the origin of the box search region. The default origin is the origin of the input coordinate system specified using M_SEARCH_REGION_INPUT_UNITS.

Click to summarize Value

Specifies the Y-coordinate of the origin of the box search region, in the units of the input coordinate system specified using M_SEARCH_REGION_INPUT_UNITS.

Click to summarize M_BOX_SIZE

Sets the width and height of the box search region.

If M_SEARCH_REGION_INPUT_UNITS is set to M_WORLD, the Measurement module uses the world dimensions specified to estimate a rectangular box in pixel units. The module will then use this approximation for internal calculations.

Note that the search region must fit entirely inside the target image, unless subregions are used or clipping is enabled. If don't use subregions or enable clipping, and you choose a location, size, or search angle that causes the box to extend beyond the edge of the target image, the marker cannot be found (MmeasGetResult() with M_VALID_FLAG will return M_FALSE).

When you set the width and height of the search region, the search region expands or shrinks with respect to its origin, set with M_BOX_ORIGIN. When the width or height changes, MIL recalculates M_BOX_CENTER, relative to the box search region's origin.

Note that if you have enabled clipping, the size of the box search region internally use might be smaller than the specified size. This is only a temporary effect; it does not change the specified size. For more information, see the Search region section of Chapter 16: Measurement.

Click to summarize FirstValue

Specifies the width of the box search region. INQ

Click to summarize M_DEFAULT

Specifies to use the width of the entire target image. If you specify M_DEFAULT, and M_SEARCH_REGION_INPUT_UNITS is set to M_WORLD, you must also set the SecondValue parameter to M_DEFAULT; otherwise, an error will occur.

Click to summarize Value

Specifies the width of the box search region within the target image, in the units of the input coordinate system specified using M_SEARCH_REGION_INPUT_UNITS. This value must be positive.

Click to summarize SecondValue

Specifies the height of the box search region. INQ

Click to summarize M_DEFAULT

Specifies to use the height of the entire target image. If you specify M_DEFAULT, and M_SEARCH_REGION_INPUT_UNITS is set to M_WORLD, you must also set the FirstValue parameter to M_DEFAULT; otherwise, an error will occur.

Click to summarize Value

Specifies the height of the box search region within the target image, in the units of the input coordinate system specified using M_SEARCH_REGION_INPUT_UNITS. This value must be positive.


Sets the scale and offset to use when drawing the edge profile or edgevalue characteristics using MmeasDraw() with M_DRAW_EDGES_PROFILE, M_DRAW_EDGEVALUE_MIN_IN_PROFILE, M_DRAW_EDGEVALUE_PEAK_WIDTH_IN_PROFILE, or M_DRAW_POSITION_IN_PROFILE.

Click to summarize FirstValue

Sets the scale to use when drawing. The shape and proportions of the drawing are kept the same; only the size is affected. This can be useful for applications where the information being drawn is too small or too large to see clearly. INQ

Click to summarize M_AUTO_SCALE_PROFILE

Specifies to automatically compute the greatest scale factor that will fit the entire drawing within the destination buffer (or within the area that corresponds to the search region, if M_DRAW_IN_BOX is combined when drawing) after the offset has been applied.

This is the default value.

Click to summarize Value > 0.0

Specifies the scale multiplier.

Click to summarize SecondValue

Sets the offset at which to draw the information from the middle of the height of the destination buffer or the area corresponding to the search region. The shape and proportions of the drawing are kept the same; only the location is affected. The middle is described as the center height of the image buffer or the profile's associated search region, and is at an offset of 0. INQ

Click to summarize M_AUTO_OFFSET_PROFILE

Specifies to automatically compute the offset such that the maximum and minimum of the drawing are touching the ends of the destination buffer (or the area that corresponds to the search region, if M_DRAW_IN_BOX is combined when drawing). This value can only be used when FirstValue is set to M_AUTO_SCALE_PROFILE.

Note that this value is optimized for M_DRAW_EDGES_PROFILE. Using M_AUTO_OFFSET_PROFILE with other M_DRAW_..._PROFILE values might draw outside of the destination (image buffer or the area corresponding to the search region).

This is the default value.

Click to summarize Value

Specifies the offset from the middle of the height of the destination buffer or the area corresponding to the search region. The ends of the destination buffer or the area corresponding to the search region correspond to offsets -100 and 100. There is no limit to the offset value. However, large values might cause the required drawing to be drawn outside the visible area.

Click to summarize M_NUMBER_MIN

Sets the minimum number of edges or stripes to locate in the box search region.

Click to summarize FirstValue

Specifies one of the following.INQ

Click to summarize M_DEFAULT

Specifies the default value.

The default number of edges or stripes is the same as the value set in M_NUMBER.

Click to summarize Value

Specifies the minimum number of edges or stripes to locate.

Click to summarize M_ORIENTATION

Sets the orientation of the edge or stripe marker.

Click to summarize FirstValue

Specifies one of the following.INQ

Click to summarize M_DEFAULT


Click to summarize M_ANY

Specifies that the orientation of the marker is unknown; both horizontal and vertical orientations are searched.

Click to summarize M_HORIZONTAL

Specifies that the marker has a horizontal orientation.

Click to summarize M_VERTICAL

Specifies that the marker has a vertical orientation.


Sets the type of interpolation to use when searching for markers. This only has an effect when either M_BOX_ANGLE_MODE is enabled or M_BOX_ANGLE is set to a value other than 0.

Click to summarize FirstValue

Specifies one of the following.INQ

Click to summarize M_DEFAULT


Click to summarize M_BICUBIC

Specifies bicubic interpolation. The new value is determined by taking a weighted average of the 16 values (4x4) that surround the source point. Note that the sum of the weights used for bicubic interpolation might be greater than one. If this occurs and the result reflects an overflow or underflow, the result is saturated.

Click to summarize M_BILINEAR

Specifies bilinear interpolation. The new value is determined by taking a weighted average of the 4 values (2x2) that surround the source point.

Click to summarize M_NEAREST_NEIGHBOR

Specifies nearest neighbor interpolation. The new value is that of the pixel closest to the source point.

Click to summarize M_SUB_REGIONS_OFFSET

Sets the offset of the subregions, from the center point of each of their sections.

Specify the offset as a percentage of the distance from the center point of the section to the maximum possible offset in each section. 100 corresponds to the maximum possible offset. The direction of the offset (X or Y) is taken from M_ORIENTATION, with positive values shifting the subregion down or to the right, and negative values shifting up or to the left.

Note that subregions are offset as a group.

Click to summarize FirstValue

Specifies one of the following.INQ

Click to summarize M_DEFAULT

Specifies the default value; the default value is 0.

Click to summarize -100 <= Value <= 100

Specifies the offset of the subregions.

Click to summarize M_SUB_REGIONS_SIZE

Sets the size of the subregions, as a percentage of their section.

Subregions are always rectangular and extend from one edge of the box search region to the other in the orientation direction. If made smaller than their section, the subregions become thinner and occupy the specified percentage of their section. In this case, subregions will remain centered unless moved with M_SUB_REGIONS_OFFSET.

Note that the size of subregions are set as a group.

Click to summarize FirstValue

Specifies one of the following.INQ

Click to summarize M_DEFAULT

Specifies the default value; the default value is 100%.

Click to summarize 0 <= Value <= 100

Specifies the size of the subregions, as a percentage. If the size is set to 100, subregions will be evenly distributed within the box search region, with no space between them.


For point markers only, the CharacteristicToSet and corresponding FirstValue and SecondValue parameters can be set to the following:

Note that the SecondValue parameter should be set to M_NULL if no parameter setting is required.

function map For point markers
Click to summarize
Click to summarize M_MULTIPLE_POINT_ANGLE

Sets the angle at which subsequent points are placed, in a theoretical line, for a multiple point marker (at the interval set with M_SPACING and proceeding from the coordinates defined by M_POSITION).

Click to summarize FirstValue

Specifies one of the following.INQ

Click to summarize M_DEFAULT

Specifies the default value; the default value is 0°.

Click to summarize 0 <= Value <= 360

Specifies the angle for a multiple point marker, in degrees, in the units of the input coordinate system specified using M_POINT_INPUT_UNITS.

An angle interpreted according to the pixel coordinate system is always measured counter-clockwise. For information on the angle's direction of rotation when interpreting the angle according to the relative coordinate system, see the Angle convention in MIL subsection of the Working with real-world units section of Chapter 26: Calibrating your camera setup.

Click to summarize M_POINT_INPUT_UNITS

Sets the units with which to interpret M_POSITION, M_SPACING, and M_MULTIPLE_POINT_ANGLE. This essentially sets the input coordinate system to use.

Click to summarize FirstValue

Specifies one of the following.INQ

Click to summarize M_DEFAULT

Same as M_PIXEL.

Click to summarize M_PIXEL

Specifies to interpret the values in pixel units, according to the pixel coordinate system.

Click to summarize M_WORLD

Specifies to interpret the values in world units, according to the relative coordinate system. If world units are specified, calling MmeasDraw() to draw expected marker characteristics generates an error if the operation is not performed on a calibrated image.

Click to summarize M_POSITION

Sets the coordinates of a point marker.

For a multiple point marker, this defines the position of the first point.

Click to summarize FirstValue

Specifies the X-coordinate of the point marker. INQ

Click to summarize M_DEFAULT

Same as M_ANY.

Click to summarize M_ANY

Specifies that the position is invalid. When a point marker is allocated, M_POSITION is set to M_ANY. After allocation, you must explicitly set a position (X-coordinate, Y-coordinate); otherwise, an error will occur.

Click to summarize Value

Specifies the X-coordinate of the point marker, in the units of the input coordinate system specified using M_POINT_INPUT_UNITS.

Click to summarize SecondValue

Specifies the Y-coordinate of the point marker. INQ

Click to summarize M_DEFAULT

Same as M_ANY.

Click to summarize M_ANY

Specifies that the position is invalid. When a point marker is allocated, M_POSITION is set to M_ANY. After allocation, you must explicitly set a position (X-coordinate, Y-coordinate); otherwise, an error will occur.

Click to summarize Value

Specifies the Y-coordinate of the point marker, in the units of the input coordinate system specified using M_POINT_INPUT_UNITS.

Click to summarize M_SPACING

Sets the spacing (distance) between points of a point marker. This setting is only available for multiple point markers.

Click to summarize FirstValue

Specifies one of the following.INQ

Click to summarize M_DEFAULT

Same as M_ANY.

Click to summarize M_ANY

Specifies that the spacing is invalid. When a point marker is allocated, M_SPACING is set to M_ANY. After allocation, you must explicitly set the spacing; otherwise, an error will occur.

Click to summarize Value

Specifies the spacing, in the units of the input coordinate system specified using M_POINT_INPUT_UNITS.

For stripe markers only, the CharacteristicToSet and corresponding FirstValue and SecondValue parameters can be set to the following:

Note that the SecondValue parameter should be set to M_NULL if no parameter setting is required.

function map For stripe markers
Click to summarize
Click to summarize M_INCLUSION_POINT

Sets a position (inclusion point) in the target image that must either be included or not included in the stripe marker found, depending on M_INCLUSION_POINT_INSIDE_STRIPE. If you specify an inclusion point, you must also set M_INCLUSION_POINT_INSIDE_STRIPE to M_YES or M_NO; otherwise, the specified inclusion point is ignored. INQ

Click to summarize FirstValue

Specifies the X-coordinate of the inclusion point.

Click to summarize M_DEFAULT

Same as M_ANY.

Click to summarize M_ANY

Specifies no inclusion point. In this case, M_INCLUSION_POINT_INSIDE_STRIPE is ignored.

Click to summarize Value

Specifies the inclusion point's X-coordinate, in the units of the input coordinate system specified using M_INCLUSION_POINT_INPUT_UNITS.

Click to summarize SecondValue

Specifies the Y-coordinate of the inclusion point.

Click to summarize M_DEFAULT

Same as M_ANY.

Click to summarize M_ANY

Specifies no inclusion point. In this case, M_INCLUSION_POINT_INSIDE_STRIPE is ignored.

Click to summarize Value

Specifies the inclusion point's Y-coordinate, in the units of the input coordinate system specified using M_INCLUSION_POINT_INPUT_UNITS.


Sets the units with which to interpret M_INCLUSION_POINT. This essentially sets the input coordinate system to use.

Click to summarize FirstValue

Specifies one of the following.INQ

Click to summarize M_DEFAULT

Same as M_PIXEL.

Click to summarize M_PIXEL

Specifies to interpret the value in pixel units, according to the pixel coordinate system.

Click to summarize M_WORLD

Specifies to interpret the value in world units, according to the relative coordinate system. If world units are specified, calling MmeasDraw() to draw expected marker characteristics or MmeasFindMarker() generates an error if the operation is not performed on a calibrated image.


Sets whether the stripe marker found must contain the inclusion point (M_INCLUSION_POINT).

Click to summarize FirstValue

Specifies one of the following.INQ

Click to summarize M_DEFAULT

Same as M_ANY.

Click to summarize M_ANY

Specifies that M_INCLUSION_POINT is ignored.

Click to summarize M_NO

Specifies that only stripes that have the inclusion point falling outside its two outer edges can be found.

Click to summarize M_YES

Specifies that only stripes that have the inclusion point falling between its two outer edges can be found.

For circle markers only, the CharacteristicToSet and corresponding FirstValue and SecondValue parameters can be set to the following:

Note that the SecondValue parameter should be set to M_NULL if no parameter setting is required.

function map For circle markers
Click to summarize
Click to summarize M_CIRCLE_ACCURACY

Sets the accuracy of the circle's fit operation.

Click to summarize FirstValue

Specifies one of the following.INQ

Click to summarize M_DEFAULT

Same as M_HIGH.

Click to summarize M_HIGH

Specifies that the circle's fit operation will be performed with high accuracy. This typically takes longer than low accuracy, but can produce more precise results.

Click to summarize M_LOW

Specifies that the circle's fit operation will be performed with low accuracy. This is typically faster than high accuracy, but can produce less precise results, particularly with noisy or badly contrasted images.


Sets whether the circle's fit operation can result in a circle that is outside the ring search region.

Click to summarize FirstValue

Specifies one of the following.INQ

Click to summarize M_DEFAULT

Same as M_DISABLE.

Click to summarize M_DISABLE

Specifies that the circle's fit operation can result in a circle that is outside the ring search region.

Click to summarize M_ENABLE

Specifies that the circle's fit operation cannot result in a circle that is outside the ring search region.

Click to summarize M_RING_CENTER

Sets the coordinates of the center of the ring search region. The ring's center is considered to be its position.

Note that at least three valid subregions must be within the target image for the circle marker to be found (even if clipping is enabled).

Click to summarize FirstValue

Specifies the X-coordinate of the center of the ring search region. INQ

Click to summarize M_DEFAULT

Specifies the default X-coordinate of the center of the ring search region. This depends on the input coordinate system specified using M_SEARCH_REGION_INPUT_UNITS. If using pixel units, the default center is the center of the pixel coordinate system. If using world units, the default center is the origin of the relative coordinate system.

Click to summarize Value

Specifies the X-coordinate of the center of the ring search region, in the units of the input coordinate system specified using M_SEARCH_REGION_INPUT_UNITS.

Click to summarize SecondValue

Specifies the Y-coordinate of the center of the ring search region. INQ

Click to summarize M_DEFAULT

Specifies the default Y-coordinate of the center of the ring search region. This depends on the input coordinate system specified using M_SEARCH_REGION_INPUT_UNITS. If using pixel units, the default center is the center of the pixel coordinate system. If using world units, the default center is the origin of the relative coordinate system.

Click to summarize Value

Specifies the Y-coordinate of the center of the ring search region, in the units of the input coordinate system specified using M_SEARCH_REGION_INPUT_UNITS.

Click to summarize M_RING_RADII

Sets the inner and outer radius of the ring search region. The radii values are set according to the region's center (M_RING_CENTER). The inner and outer radius must be set concurrently. The inner radius must be less than the outer radius; this creates a ring within which the circle must be found.

Click to summarize FirstValue

Specifies the inner radius of the ring search region. INQ

Click to summarize M_DEFAULT

Specifies an inner radius of 0.0. If the outer radius is set to M_DEFAULT, the inner radius must also be set to M_DEFAULT; otherwise, an error will occur.

Click to summarize Value >= 0

Specifies the inner radius, relative to the center of the ring search region, in the units specified using M_SEARCH_REGION_INPUT_UNITS.

Click to summarize SecondValue

Specifies the outer radius of the ring search region. INQ

Click to summarize M_DEFAULT

Specifies the default outer radius. This value corresponds to either half the target image's width (X-size x 0.5) or half its height (Y-size x 0.5), depending on which is smaller. Note that if the outer radius is set to M_DEFAULT, the inner radius must also be set to M_DEFAULT; otherwise, an error will occur.

Click to summarize Value > Inner radius

Specifies the outer radius, relative to the center of the ring search region, in the units specified using M_SEARCH_REGION_INPUT_UNITS.

Click to summarize M_SUB_REGIONS_CHORD_ANGLE

Sets the angle with which to set the ring search region's outer ring segment (chord). The projection of this chord segment determines the dimension of the rectangular subregion that is perpendicular to radial direction.

Click to summarize FirstValue

Specifies one of the following.INQ

Click to summarize M_DEFAULT

Specifies the default value; the default value is 10.0 degrees.

Click to summarize 0.0 < Value <= 45.0

Specifies the angle, in degrees, in the units of the input coordinate system specified using M_SEARCH_REGION_INPUT_UNITS.

An angle interpreted according to the pixel coordinate system is always measured counter-clockwise. For information on the angle's direction of rotation when interpreting the angle according to the relative coordinate system, see the Angle convention in MIL subsection of the Working with real-world units section of Chapter 26: Calibrating your camera setup.

Type-specific versions of the function when using a C compiler under 64-bit
void MmeasSetMarkerInt64 (MIL_ID MarkerId, MIL_INT64 CharacteristicToSet, MIL_INT64 FirstValue, MIL_INT64 SecondValue)


See MarkerId of the main function for a description.


See CharacteristicToSet of the main function for a description.


See FirstValue of the main function for a description.


See SecondValue of the main function for a description.

void MmeasSetMarkerDouble (MIL_ID MarkerId, MIL_INT64 CharacteristicToSet, MIL_DOUBLE FirstValue, MIL_DOUBLE SecondValue)


See MarkerId of the main function for a description.


See CharacteristicToSet of the main function for a description.


See FirstValue of the main function for a description.


See SecondValue of the main function for a description.

Compilation information
Header Include mil.h.
Library Use mil.lib; milmeas.lib.
DLL Requires mil.dll; milmeas.dll.