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Matrox Radient eCL-DB and eCL-QB connectors and signal names

This section serves as a reference to match Matrox Radient eCL-DB's and eCL-QB's connectors and auxiliary/camera control signals with MIL information, such as MIL auxiliary/camera control signal numbers. To set/inquire all the settings for your Matrox Radient eCL's auxiliary/camera control signals (for example, signal routing and timer settings), use MdigControl() / MdigInquire(), respectively.

Matrox Radient eCL-DB and eCL-QB have a different number of acquisition paths and auxiliary/camera control signals. For each Matrox Radient eCL, only the auxiliary/camera control signals associated with the following digitizer device numbers are supported:

Matrox Radient eCL type

Digitizer device #

Matrox Radient eCL-DB


Matrox Radient eCL-QB


The following table lists the connectors of the auxiliary/control signals that can be used for each digitizer device number:

Digitizer device #

Matrox Radient eCL-DB

Matrox Radient eCL-QB


Auxiliary I/O connector A and some on C

Auxiliary I/O connector A and some on C


Auxiliary I/O connector C and some on A

Auxiliary I/O connector C and some on A


Auxiliary I/O connector B and some on D


Auxiliary I/O connector D and some on B

Auxiliary I/O signals and camera control signals can have one or more functionalities (for example, trigger input, timer output, or user output, depending on the signal). Their possible functionalities are described in their description in the pinout table below. Shared input and output signals can be accessed by the digitizers with the specified M_DEV... number. Although a shared signal can be accessed by multiple digitizers, all the functionalities supported by the signal might not be accessible by all these digitizers. In the case of shared output signals, ensure that only one digitizer is driving the output.

Matrox Radient eCL has 4 trigger controllers per acquisition path so that on-board events (for example, acquisition and timer output) can start upon different triggers if required. Due to the auxiliary signal/trigger controller restriction, outlined in the pinout table below, you must be aware that although a trigger controller might support several trigger input signals, only one signal can drive a trigger controller at any given time. For example, if you set signal A as the trigger input source for acquisition, and signal B as the trigger input source for timer 1, signal A and B must be driving different trigger controllers; if they drive the same trigger controller, an error is generated. You can set a signal (for example, signal A) as the trigger input source for both acquisition and timer 1; in this case, the associated trigger controller triggers both events at the same time.

Only those auxiliary/camera control signals that have matching MIL information are included in this section. For information on internal connectors and a comprehensive list of all available input and output signals, refer to the Matrox Radient eCL's installation and hardware reference manual.

Matrox Radient eCL-DB and eCL-QB connectors

On your Matrox Radient eCL, there are several interface connectors. On the bracket of Matrox Radient eCL-DB, there are two Camera Link video input connectors and an auxiliary I/O connector. On the double bracket of Matrox Radient eCL-QB, there are two pairs of Camera Link video input connectors and two auxiliary I/O connectors. On the cable adapter bracket, there are two external auxiliary I/O connectors.

All of Matrox Radient eCL's connectors have auxiliary/camera control signals with matching MIL information.

Connector Name

Connector Abbreviation



Camera Link video input connectors

SDR (0,1,2 and 3)

The Camera Link video input connectors are 26-pin high-density female mini Camera Link connectors. They are used to receive video input, timing, synchronization signals and transmit/receive communication signals between the video source and the frame grabber. There are two Camera Link video input connectors (SDR 0 and 1) on Matrox Radient eCL-DB. There are four Camera Link video input connectors (SDR 0, 1, 2 and 3) on Matrox Radient eCL-QB.

External auxiliary I/O connectors

DBHD-15 (A, B, C and D)

External auxiliary I/O connectors are high-density D-subminiature 15-pin male connectors. They are used to transmit/receive auxiliary signals.

External auxiliary I/O connectors A and if present B are located on Matrox Radient eCL, and external auxiliary I/O connectors C and D are located on the cable adapter bracket.

Signal names and their matching MIL constants

The table below lists the auxiliary/camera control signals with their associated MIL information. Note that the MIL constants in this table are those to use with MIL 10 and later. If you are upgrading from a previous version of MIL, you should port your code using the conversion tables for the Matrox Radient eCL (MILRadientCameraLinkIOConversionTable) in the MIL release notes.

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Click to summarizeDigitizer device # Description
Pin information
User-bit information
Trigger information
Timer information
Hardware manual signal name
Click to summarizeDigitizer device #: M_DEV0

Indicates the following.

Click to summarizeMIL I/O #: M_AUX_IO0
Shared with: M_DEV1

Opto-isolated auxiliary signal (input), shared between acquisition paths 0 and 1 for trigger input or user input.

Pin information Connector: DBHD-15 (C) Pin: 15+, 9-


Trigger information Trigger controller: 0 or 2 on acq path 1; 2 on acq path 0. M_HARDWARE_PORT0; Digitizer device #: M_DEV0, M_DEV1;
Trigger controller: 0 or 2 on acq path 1; 2 on acq path 0.
Hardware manual signal name OPTO_AUX_IN8
Click to summarizeMIL I/O #: M_AUX_IO1
Shared with: M_DEV1

Opto-isolated auxiliary signal (input), shared between acquisition paths 0 and 1 for trigger input or user input.

Pin information Connector: DBHD-15 (C) Pin: 12+, 11-


Trigger information Trigger controller: 1 or 3 on acq path 1; 3 on acq path 0. M_HARDWARE_PORT1; Digitizer device #: M_DEV0, M_DEV1;
Trigger controller: 1 or 3 on acq path 1; 3 on acq path 0.
Hardware manual signal name OPTO_AUX_IN9
Click to summarizeMIL I/O #: M_AUX_IO2
Shared with: M_DEV1

TTL auxiliary signal (input/output), shared between acquisition paths 0 and 1 for trigger input, user input or user output, and dedicated to acquisition path 0 for timer output.

Pin information Connector: DBHD-15 (A) Pin: 3


User-bit information
MIL user-bit #: M_USER_BIT4;
Digitizer device #: M_DEV0, M_DEV1;
Trigger information Trigger controller: 2 on acq path 0; 2 on acq path 1. M_HARDWARE_PORT2; Digitizer device #: M_DEV0, M_DEV1;
Trigger controller: 2 on acq path 0; 2 on acq path 1.
Timer information Timer: M_TIMER2; Digitizer device #: M_DEV0;
Hardware manual signal name TTL_AUX_IO_6
Click to summarizeMIL I/O #: M_AUX_IO3
Shared with: M_DEV1

TTL auxiliary signal (input/output), shared between acquisition paths 0 and 1 for trigger input, user input or user output, and dedicated to acquisition path 1 for timer output.

Pin information Connector: DBHD-15 (C) Pin: 3


User-bit information
MIL user-bit #: M_USER_BIT5;
Digitizer device #: M_DEV0, M_DEV1;
Trigger information Trigger controller: 3 on acq path 0; 3 on acq path 1. M_HARDWARE_PORT3; Digitizer device #: M_DEV0, M_DEV1;
Trigger controller: 3 on acq path 0; 3 on acq path 1.
Timer information Timer: M_TIMER2; Digitizer device #: M_DEV1;
Hardware manual signal name TTL_AUX_IO_14
Click to summarizeMIL I/O #: M_AUX_IO4
Shared with: M_DEV1

LVDS auxiliary signal (input), shared between acquisition paths 0 and 1 for trigger input or user input, and dedicated to acquisition path 1 for quadrature input bit 0.

Pin information Connector: DBHD-15 (C) Pin: 4+, 5-


Trigger information Trigger controller: 2 on acq path 0; 2 or 0 on acq path 1. M_HARDWARE_PORT4; Digitizer device #: M_DEV0, M_DEV1;
Trigger controller: 2 on acq path 0; 2 or 0 on acq path 1.
Hardware manual signal name LVDS_AUX_IN10
Click to summarizeMIL I/O #: M_AUX_IO5
Shared with: M_DEV1

LVDS auxiliary signal (input), shared between acquisition paths 0 and 1 for trigger input or user input, and dedicated to acquisition path 1 for timer-clock input or quadrature input bit 1.

Pin information Connector: DBHD-15 (C) Pin: 6+, 8-


Trigger information Trigger controller: 1 or 3 on acq path 1; 3 on acq path 0. M_HARDWARE_PORT5; Digitizer device #: M_DEV0, M_DEV1;
Trigger controller: 1 or 3 on acq path 1; 3 on acq path 0.
Hardware manual signal name LVDS_AUX_IN11
Click to summarizeMIL I/O #: M_AUX_IO6

Opto-isolated auxiliary signal (input) for acquisition path 0, which supports: user input or trigger input.

Pin information Connector: DBHD-15 (A) Pin: 15+, 9-


Trigger information Trigger controller: 0 on acq path 0. M_HARDWARE_PORT6; Digitizer device #: M_DEV0;
Trigger controller: 0 on acq path 0.
Hardware manual signal name OPTO_AUX_IN0
Click to summarizeMIL I/O #: M_AUX_IO7

Opto-isolated auxiliary signal (input) for acquisition path 0, which supports: user input or trigger input.

Pin information Connector: DBHD-15 (A) Pin: 12+, 11-


Trigger information Trigger controller: 1 on acq path 0. M_HARDWARE_PORT7; Digitizer device #: M_DEV0;
Trigger controller: 1 on acq path 0.
Hardware manual signal name OPTO_AUX_IN1
Click to summarizeMIL I/O #: M_AUX_IO8

TTL auxiliary signal (input/output) for acquisition path 0, which supports: user input/output, trigger input.

Pin information Connector: DBHD-15 (A) Pin: 1


User-bit information
MIL user-bit #: M_USER_BIT2;
Digitizer device #: M_DEV0;
Trigger information Trigger controller: 0 on acq path 0. M_HARDWARE_PORT8; Digitizer device #: M_DEV0;
Trigger controller: 0 on acq path 0.
Hardware manual signal name TTL_AUX_IO_4
Click to summarizeMIL I/O #: M_AUX_IO9

TTL auxiliary signal (input/output) for acquisition path 0, which supports: timer output, trigger input, user input, or user output.

Pin information Connector: DBHD-15 (A) Pin: 2


User-bit information
MIL user-bit #: M_USER_BIT3;
Digitizer device #: M_DEV0;
Trigger information Trigger controller: 1 on acq path 0. M_HARDWARE_PORT9; Digitizer device #: M_DEV0;
Trigger controller: 1 on acq path 0.
Timer information Timer: M_TIMER1; Digitizer device #: M_DEV0;
Hardware manual signal name TTL_AUX_IO_5
Click to summarizeMIL I/O #: M_AUX_IO10

LVDS auxiliary signal (input) for acquisition path 0, which supports: trigger input, user input, or quadrature input bit 0.

Pin information Connector: DBHD-15 (A) Pin: 4+, 5-


Trigger information Trigger controller: 0 on acq path 0. M_HARDWARE_PORT10; Digitizer device #: M_DEV0;
Trigger controller: 0 on acq path 0.
Hardware manual signal name LVDS_AUX_IN2
Click to summarizeMIL I/O #: M_AUX_IO11

LVDS auxiliary signal (input) for acquisition path 0, which supports: user input, trigger input, timer-clock input, or quadrature input bit 1.

Pin information Connector: DBHD-15 (A) Pin: 6+, 8-


Trigger information Trigger controller: 1 on acq path 0. M_HARDWARE_PORT11; Digitizer device #: M_DEV0;
Trigger controller: 1 on acq path 0.
Hardware manual signal name LVDS_AUX_IN3
Click to summarizeMIL I/O #: M_AUX_IO12

LVDS auxiliary signal (output) for acquisition path 0, which supports: timer output or user output.

Pin information Connector: DBHD-15 (A) Pin: 13+, 14-


User-bit information
MIL user-bit #: M_USER_BIT0;
Digitizer device #: M_DEV0;
Timer information Timer: M_TIMER1/M_TIMER2; Digitizer device #: M_DEV0;
Hardware manual signal name LVDS_AUX_OUT7
Click to summarizeMIL I/O #: M_CC_IO1

Camera control output 1 for acquisition path 0, which supports: timer output, user output, VSYNC output, HSYNC output, clock output, or rerouting of specific auxiliary input signals. Only the following auxiliary input signals can be rerouted to this output signal:

Pin information Connector: HDR/SDR (0) Pin: 5+, 18-


User-bit information
Digitizer device #: M_DEV0;
Timer information Timer: M_TIMER1/M_TIMER2; Digitizer device #: M_DEV0;
Hardware manual signal name CC1 (0)
Click to summarizeMIL I/O #: M_CC_IO2

Camera control output 2 for acquisition path 0, which supports: timer output, user output, VSYNC output, HSYNC output, clock output, or rerouting of specific auxiliary input signals. Only the following auxiliary input signals can be rerouted to this output signal:

Pin information Connector: HDR/SDR (0) Pin: 17+, 4-


User-bit information
Digitizer device #: M_DEV0;
Timer information Timer: M_TIMER1/M_TIMER2; Digitizer device #: M_DEV0;
Hardware manual signal name CC2 (0)
Click to summarizeMIL I/O #: M_CC_IO3

Camera control output 3 for acquisition path 0, which supports: timer output, user output, VSYNC output, HSYNC output, clock output, or rerouting of specific auxiliary input signals. Only the following auxiliary input signals can be rerouted to this output signal:

Pin information Connector: HDR/SDR (0) Pin: 3+, 16-


User-bit information
Digitizer device #: M_DEV0;
Timer information Timer: M_TIMER1/M_TIMER2; Digitizer device #: M_DEV0;
Hardware manual signal name CC3 (0)
Click to summarizeMIL I/O #: M_CC_IO4

Camera control output 4 for acquisition path 0, which supports: timer output, user output, VSYNC output, HSYNC output, clock output, or rerouting of specific auxiliary input signals. Only the following auxiliary input signals can be rerouted to this output signal:

Pin information Connector: HDR/SDR (0) Pin: 15+, 2-


User-bit information
Digitizer device #: M_DEV0;
Timer information Timer: M_TIMER1/M_TIMER2; Digitizer device #: M_DEV0;
Hardware manual signal name CC4 (0)
Click to summarizeDigitizer device #: M_DEV1

Indicates the following.

Click to summarizeMIL I/O #: M_AUX_IO0
Shared with: M_DEV0

Opto-isolated auxiliary signal (input), shared between acquisition paths 0 and 1 for trigger input or user input.

Pin information Connector: DBHD-15 (C) Pin: 15+, 9-


Trigger information Trigger controller: 0 or 2 on acq path 1; 2 on acq path 0. M_HARDWARE_PORT0; Digitizer device #: M_DEV0, M_DEV1;
Trigger controller: 0 or 2 on acq path 1; 2 on acq path 0.
Hardware manual signal name OPTO_AUX_IN8
Click to summarizeMIL I/O #: M_AUX_IO1
Shared with: M_DEV0

Opto-isolated auxiliary signal (input), shared between acquisition paths 0 and 1 for trigger input or user input.

Pin information Connector: DBHD-15 (C) Pin: 12+, 11-


Trigger information Trigger controller: 1 or 3 on acq path 1; 3 on acq path 0. M_HARDWARE_PORT1; Digitizer device #: M_DEV0, M_DEV1;
Trigger controller: 1 or 3 on acq path 1; 3 on acq path 0.
Hardware manual signal name OPTO_AUX_IN9
Click to summarizeMIL I/O #: M_AUX_IO2
Shared with: M_DEV0

TTL auxiliary signal (input/output), shared between acquisition paths 0 and 1 for trigger input, user input or user output, and dedicated to acquisition path 0 for timer output.

Pin information Connector: DBHD-15 (A) Pin: 3


User-bit information
MIL user-bit #: M_USER_BIT4;
Digitizer device #: M_DEV0, M_DEV1;
Trigger information Trigger controller: 2 on acq path 0; 2 on acq path 1. M_HARDWARE_PORT2; Digitizer device #: M_DEV0, M_DEV1;
Trigger controller: 2 on acq path 0; 2 on acq path 1.
Timer information Timer: M_TIMER2; Digitizer device #: M_DEV0;
Hardware manual signal name TTL_AUX_IO_6
Click to summarizeMIL I/O #: M_AUX_IO3
Shared with: M_DEV0

TTL auxiliary signal (input/output), shared between acquisition paths 0 and 1 for trigger input, user input or user output, and dedicated to acquisition path 1 for timer output.

Pin information Connector: DBHD-15 (C) Pin: 3


User-bit information
MIL user-bit #: M_USER_BIT5;
Digitizer device #: M_DEV0, M_DEV1;
Trigger information Trigger controller: 3 on acq path 0; 3 on acq path 1. M_HARDWARE_PORT3; Digitizer device #: M_DEV0, M_DEV1;
Trigger controller: 3 on acq path 0; 3 on acq path 1.
Timer information Timer: M_TIMER2; Digitizer device #: M_DEV1;
Hardware manual signal name TTL_AUX_IO_14
Click to summarizeMIL I/O #: M_AUX_IO4
Shared with: M_DEV0

LVDS auxiliary signal (input), shared between acquisition paths 0 and 1 for trigger input or user input, and dedicated to acquisition path 1 for quadrature input bit 0.

Pin information Connector: DBHD-15 (C) Pin: 4+, 5-


Trigger information Trigger controller: 2 on acq path 0; 2 or 0 on acq path 1. M_HARDWARE_PORT4; Digitizer device #: M_DEV0, M_DEV1;
Trigger controller: 2 on acq path 0; 2 or 0 on acq path 1.
Hardware manual signal name LVDS_AUX_IN10
Click to summarizeMIL I/O #: M_AUX_IO5
Shared with: M_DEV0

LVDS auxiliary signal (input), shared between acquisition paths 0 and 1 for trigger input or user input, and dedicated to acquisition path 1 for timer-clock input or quadrature input bit 1.

Pin information Connector: DBHD-15 (C) Pin: 6+, 8-


Trigger information Trigger controller: 1 or 3 on acq path 1; 3 on acq path 0. M_HARDWARE_PORT5; Digitizer device #: M_DEV0, M_DEV1;
Trigger controller: 1 or 3 on acq path 1; 3 on acq path 0.
Hardware manual signal name LVDS_AUX_IN11
Click to summarizeMIL I/O #: M_AUX_IO8

TTL auxiliary signal (input/output) for acquisition path 1, which supports: trigger input, user input, or user output.

Pin information Connector: DBHD-15 (C) Pin: 1


User-bit information
MIL user-bit #: M_USER_BIT2;
Digitizer device #: M_DEV1;
Trigger information Trigger controller: 0 on acq path 1. M_HARDWARE_PORT8; Digitizer device #: M_DEV1;
Trigger controller: 0 on acq path 1.
Hardware manual signal name TTL_AUX_IO_12
Click to summarizeMIL I/O #: M_AUX_IO9

TTL auxiliary signal (input/output) for acquisition path 1, which supports: timer output, trigger input, user input, or user output.

Pin information Connector: DBHD-15 (C) Pin: 2


User-bit information
MIL user-bit #: M_USER_BIT3;
Digitizer device #: M_DEV1;
Trigger information Trigger controller: 1 on acq path 1. M_HARDWARE_PORT9; Digitizer device #: M_DEV1;
Trigger controller: 1 on acq path 1.
Timer information Timer: M_TIMER1; Digitizer device #: M_DEV1;
Hardware manual signal name TTL_AUX_IO_13
Click to summarizeMIL I/O #: M_AUX_IO12

LVDS auxiliary signal (output) for acquisition path 1, which supports: timer output or user output.

Pin information Connector: DBHD-15 (C) Pin: 13+, 14-


User-bit information
MIL user-bit #: M_USER_BIT0;
Digitizer device #: M_DEV1;
Timer information Timer: M_TIMER1/M_TIMER2; Digitizer device #: M_DEV1;
Hardware manual signal name LVDS_AUX_OUT15
Click to summarizeMIL I/O #: M_CC_IO1

Camera control output 1 for acquisition path 1, which supports: timer output, user output, VSYNC output, HSYNC output, clock output, or rerouting of specific auxiliary input signals. Only the following auxiliary input signals can be rerouted to this output signal:

Pin information Connector: HDR/SDR (1) Pin: 5+, 18-


User-bit information
Digitizer device #: M_DEV1;
Timer information Timer: M_TIMER1/M_TIMER2; Digitizer device #: M_DEV1;
Hardware manual signal name CC1 (1)
Click to summarizeMIL I/O #: M_CC_IO2

Camera control output 2 for acquisition path 1, which supports: timer output, user output, VSYNC output, HSYNC output, clock output, or rerouting of specific auxiliary input signals. Only the following auxiliary input signals can be rerouted to this output signal:

Pin information Connector: HDR/SDR (1) Pin: 17+, 4-


User-bit information
Digitizer device #: M_DEV1;
Timer information Timer: M_TIMER1/M_TIMER2; Digitizer device #: M_DEV1;
Hardware manual signal name CC2 (1)
Click to summarizeMIL I/O #: M_CC_IO3

Camera control output 3 for acquisition path 1, which supports: timer output, user output, VSYNC output, HSYNC output, clock output, or rerouting of specific auxiliary input signals. Only the following auxiliary input signals can be rerouted to this output signal:

Pin information Connector: HDR/SDR (1) Pin: 3+, 16-


User-bit information
Digitizer device #: M_DEV1;
Timer information Timer: M_TIMER1/M_TIMER2; Digitizer device #: M_DEV1;
Hardware manual signal name CC3 (1)
Click to summarizeMIL I/O #: M_CC_IO4

Camera control output 4 for acquisition path 1, which supports: timer output, user output, VSYNC output, HSYNC output, clock output, or rerouting of specific auxiliary input signals. Only the following auxiliary input signals can be rerouted to this output signal:

Pin information Connector: HDR/SDR (1) Pin: 15+, 2-


User-bit information
Digitizer device #: M_DEV1;
Timer information Timer: M_TIMER1/M_TIMER2; Digitizer device #: M_DEV1;
Hardware manual signal name CC4 (1)
Click to summarizeDigitizer device #: M_DEV2 1

Indicates the following.

Click to summarizeMIL I/O #: M_AUX_IO0
Shared with: M_DEV3 1

Opto-isolated auxiliary signal (input), shared between acquisition paths 2 and 3 for trigger input or user input.

Pin information Connector: DBHD-15 (D) Pin: 15+, 9-


Trigger information Trigger controller: 0 or 2 on acq path 3; 2 on acq path 2. M_HARDWARE_PORT0; Digitizer device #: M_DEV2 1 , M_DEV3 1 ;
Trigger controller: 0 or 2 on acq path 3; 2 on acq path 2.
Hardware manual signal name OPTO_AUX_IN24
Click to summarizeMIL I/O #: M_AUX_IO1
Shared with: M_DEV3 1

Opto-isolated auxiliary signal (input), shared between acquisition paths 2 and 3 for trigger input or user input.

Pin information Connector: DBHD-15 (D) Pin: 12+, 11-


Trigger information Trigger controller: 1 or 3 on acq path 3; 3 on acq path 2. M_HARDWARE_PORT1; Digitizer device #: M_DEV2 1 , M_DEV3 1 ;
Trigger controller: 1 or 3 on acq path 3; 3 on acq path 2.
Hardware manual signal name OPTO_AUX_IN25
Click to summarizeMIL I/O #: M_AUX_IO2
Shared with: M_DEV3 1

TTL auxiliary signal (input/output), shared between acquisition paths 2 and 3 for trigger input, user input or user output, and dedicated to acquisition path 2 for timer output.

Pin information Connector: DBHD-15 (B) 2  Pin: 3


User-bit information
MIL user-bit #: M_USER_BIT4;
Digitizer device #: M_DEV2 1 , M_DEV3 1 ;
Trigger information Trigger controller: 2 on acq path 2; 2 on acq path 3. M_HARDWARE_PORT2; Digitizer device #: M_DEV2 1 , M_DEV3 1 ;
Trigger controller: 2 on acq path 2; 2 on acq path 3.
Timer information Timer: M_TIMER2; Digitizer device #: M_DEV2 1 ;
Hardware manual signal name TTL_AUX_IO_22
Click to summarizeMIL I/O #: M_AUX_IO3
Shared with: M_DEV3 1

TTL auxiliary signal (input/output), shared between acquisition paths 2 and 3 for trigger input, user input or user output, and dedicated to acquisition path 3 for timer output.

Pin information Connector: DBHD-15 (D) Pin: 3


User-bit information
MIL user-bit #: M_USER_BIT5;
Digitizer device #: M_DEV2 1 , M_DEV3 1 ;
Trigger information Trigger controller: 3 on acq path 2; 3 on acq path 3. M_HARDWARE_PORT3; Digitizer device #: M_DEV2 1 , M_DEV3 1 ;
Trigger controller: 3 on acq path 2; 3 on acq path 3.
Timer information Timer: M_TIMER2; Digitizer device #: M_DEV3 1 ;
Hardware manual signal name TTL_AUX_IO_30
Click to summarizeMIL I/O #: M_AUX_IO4
Shared with: M_DEV3 1

LVDS auxiliary signal (input), shared between acquisition paths 2 and 3 for trigger input or user input, and dedicated to acquisition path 3 for quadrature input bit 0.

Pin information Connector: DBHD-15 (D) Pin: 4+, 5-


Trigger information Trigger controller: 0 or 2 on acq path 3; 2 on acq path 2. M_HARDWARE_PORT4; Digitizer device #: M_DEV2 1 , M_DEV3 1 ;
Trigger controller: 0 or 2 on acq path 3; 2 on acq path 2.
Hardware manual signal name LVDS_AUX_IN26
Click to summarizeMIL I/O #: M_AUX_IO5
Shared with: M_DEV3 1

LVDS auxiliary signal (input), shared between acquisition paths 2 and 3 for trigger input or user input, and dedicated to acquisition path 3 for timer-clock input or quadrature input bit 1.

Pin information Connector: DBHD-15 (D) Pin: 6+, 8-


Trigger information Trigger controller: 1 or 3 on acq path 3; 3 on acq path 2. M_HARDWARE_PORT5; Digitizer device #: M_DEV2 1 , M_DEV3 1 ;
Trigger controller: 1 or 3 on acq path 3; 3 on acq path 2.
Hardware manual signal name LVDS_AUX_IN27
Click to summarizeMIL I/O #: M_AUX_IO6

Opto-isolated auxiliary signal (input) for acquisition path 2, which supports: user input or trigger input.

Pin information Connector: DBHD-15 (B) 2  Pin: 15+, 9-


Trigger information Trigger controller: 0 on acq path 2. M_HARDWARE_PORT6; Digitizer device #: M_DEV2 1 ;
Trigger controller: 0 on acq path 2.
Hardware manual signal name OPTO_AUX_IN16
Click to summarizeMIL I/O #: M_AUX_IO7

Opto-isolated auxiliary signal (input) for acquisition path 2, which supports: user input or trigger input.

Pin information Connector: DBHD-15 (B) 2  Pin: 12+, 11-


Trigger information Trigger controller: 1 on acq path 2. M_HARDWARE_PORT7; Digitizer device #: M_DEV2 1 ;
Trigger controller: 1 on acq path 2.
Hardware manual signal name OPTO_AUX_IN17
Click to summarizeMIL I/O #: M_AUX_IO8

TTL auxiliary signal (input/output) for acquisition path 2, which supports: trigger input, user input, or user output.

Pin information Connector: DBHD-15 (B) 2  Pin: 1


User-bit information
MIL user-bit #: M_USER_BIT2;
Digitizer device #: M_DEV2 1 ;
Trigger information Trigger controller: 0 on acq path 2. M_HARDWARE_PORT8; Digitizer device #: M_DEV2 1 ;
Trigger controller: 0 on acq path 2.
Hardware manual signal name TTL_AUX_IO_20
Click to summarizeMIL I/O #: M_AUX_IO9

TTL auxiliary signal (input/output) for acquisition path 2, which supports: timer output, trigger input, user input, or user output.

Pin information Connector: DBHD-15 (B) 2  Pin: 2


User-bit information
MIL user-bit #: M_USER_BIT3;
Digitizer device #: M_DEV2 1 ;
Trigger information Trigger controller: 1 on acq path 2. M_HARDWARE_PORT9; Digitizer device #: M_DEV2 1 ;
Trigger controller: 1 on acq path 2.
Timer information Timer: M_TIMER1; Digitizer device #: M_DEV2 1 ;
Hardware manual signal name TTL_AUX_IO_21
Click to summarizeMIL I/O #: M_AUX_IO10

LVDS auxiliary signal (input) for acquisition path 2, which supports: trigger input, user input, or quadrature input bit 0.

Pin information Connector: DBHD-15 (B) 2  Pin: 4+, 5-


Trigger information Trigger controller: 0 on acq path 2. M_HARDWARE_PORT10; Digitizer device #: M_DEV2 1 ;
Trigger controller: 0 on acq path 2.
Hardware manual signal name LVDS_AUX_IN18
Click to summarizeMIL I/O #: M_AUX_IO11

LVDS auxiliary signal (input) for acquisition path 2, which supports: user input, trigger input, timer-clock input, or quadrature input bit 1.

Pin information Connector: DBHD-15 (B) 2  Pin: 6+, 8-


Trigger information Trigger controller: 1 on acq path 2. M_HARDWARE_PORT11; Digitizer device #: M_DEV2 1 ;
Trigger controller: 1 on acq path 2.
Hardware manual signal name LVDS_AUX_IN19
Click to summarizeMIL I/O #: M_AUX_IO12

LVDS auxiliary signal (output) for acquisition path 2, which supports: timer output or user output.

Pin information Connector: DBHD-15 (B) 2  Pin: 13+, 14-


User-bit information
MIL user-bit #: M_USER_BIT0;
Digitizer device #: M_DEV2 1 ;
Timer information Timer: M_TIMER1/M_TIMER2; Digitizer device #: M_DEV2 1 ;
Hardware manual signal name LVDS_AUX_OUT23
Click to summarizeMIL I/O #: M_CC_IO1

Camera control output 1 for acquisition path 2, which supports: timer output, user output, VSYNC output, HSYNC output, clock output, or rerouting of specific auxiliary input signals. Only the following auxiliary input signals can be rerouted to this output signal:

Pin information Connector: HDR/SDR (2) 2  Pin: 5+, 18-


User-bit information
Digitizer device #: M_DEV2 1 ;
Timer information Timer: M_TIMER1/M_TIMER2; Digitizer device #: M_DEV2 1 ;
Hardware manual signal name CC1 (2)
Click to summarizeMIL I/O #: M_CC_IO2

Camera control output 2 for acquisition path 2, which supports: timer output, user output, VSYNC output, HSYNC output, clock output, or rerouting of specific auxiliary input signals. Only the following auxiliary input signals can be rerouted to this output signal:

Pin information Connector: HDR/SDR (2) 2  Pin: 17+, 4-


User-bit information
Digitizer device #: M_DEV2 1 ;
Timer information Timer: M_TIMER1/M_TIMER2; Digitizer device #: M_DEV2 1 ;
Hardware manual signal name CC2 (2)
Click to summarizeMIL I/O #: M_CC_IO3

Camera control output 3 for acquisition path 2, which supports: timer output, user output, VSYNC output, HSYNC output, clock output, or rerouting of specific auxiliary input signals. Only the following auxiliary input signals can be rerouted to this output signal:

Pin information Connector: HDR/SDR (2) 2  Pin: 3+, 16-


User-bit information
Digitizer device #: M_DEV2 1 ;
Timer information Timer: M_TIMER1/M_TIMER2; Digitizer device #: M_DEV2 1 ;
Hardware manual signal name CC3 (2)
Click to summarizeMIL I/O #: M_CC_IO4

Camera control output 4 for acquisition path 2, which supports: timer output, user output, VSYNC output, HSYNC output, clock output, or rerouting of specific auxiliary input signals. Only the following auxiliary input signals can be rerouted to this output signal:

Pin information Connector: HDR/SDR (2) 2  Pin: 15+, 2-


User-bit information
Digitizer device #: M_DEV2 1 ;
Timer information Timer: M_TIMER1/M_TIMER2; Digitizer device #: M_DEV2 1 ;
Hardware manual signal name CC4 (2)
Click to summarizeDigitizer device #: M_DEV3 1

Indicates the following.

Click to summarizeMIL I/O #: M_AUX_IO0
Shared with: M_DEV2 1

Opto-isolated auxiliary signal (input), shared between acquisition paths 2 and 3 for trigger input or user input.

Pin information Connector: DBHD-15 (D) Pin: 15+, 9-


Trigger information Trigger controller: 0 or 2 on acq path 3; 2 on acq path 2. M_HARDWARE_PORT0; Digitizer device #: M_DEV2 1 , M_DEV3 1 ;
Trigger controller: 0 or 2 on acq path 3; 2 on acq path 2.
Hardware manual signal name OPTO_AUX_IN24
Click to summarizeMIL I/O #: M_AUX_IO1
Shared with: M_DEV2 1

Opto-isolated auxiliary signal (input), shared between acquisition paths 2 and 3 for trigger input or user input.

Pin information Connector: DBHD-15 (D) Pin: 12+, 11-


Trigger information Trigger controller: 1 or 3 on acq path 3; 3 on acq path 2. M_HARDWARE_PORT1; Digitizer device #: M_DEV2 1 , M_DEV3 1 ;
Trigger controller: 1 or 3 on acq path 3; 3 on acq path 2.
Hardware manual signal name OPTO_AUX_IN25
Click to summarizeMIL I/O #: M_AUX_IO2
Shared with: M_DEV2 1

TTL auxiliary signal (input/output), shared between acquisition paths 2 and 3 for trigger input, user input or user output, and dedicated to acquisition path 2 for timer output.

Pin information Connector: DBHD-15 (B) 2  Pin: 3


User-bit information
MIL user-bit #: M_USER_BIT4;
Digitizer device #: M_DEV2 1 , M_DEV3 1 ;
Trigger information Trigger controller: 2 on acq path 2; 2 on acq path 3. M_HARDWARE_PORT2; Digitizer device #: M_DEV2 1 , M_DEV3 1 ;
Trigger controller: 2 on acq path 2; 2 on acq path 3.
Timer information Timer: M_TIMER2; Digitizer device #: M_DEV2 1 ;
Hardware manual signal name TTL_AUX_IO_22
Click to summarizeMIL I/O #: M_AUX_IO3
Shared with: M_DEV2 1

TTL auxiliary signal (input/output), shared between acquisition paths 2 and 3 for trigger input, user input or user output, and dedicated to acquisition path 3 for timer output.

Pin information Connector: DBHD-15 (D) Pin: 3


User-bit information
MIL user-bit #: M_USER_BIT5;
Digitizer device #: M_DEV2 1 , M_DEV3 1 ;
Trigger information Trigger controller: 3 on acq path 2; 3 on acq path 3. M_HARDWARE_PORT3; Digitizer device #: M_DEV2 1 , M_DEV3 1 ;
Trigger controller: 3 on acq path 2; 3 on acq path 3.
Timer information Timer: M_TIMER2; Digitizer device #: M_DEV3 1 ;
Hardware manual signal name TTL_AUX_IO_30
Click to summarizeMIL I/O #: M_AUX_IO4
Shared with: M_DEV2 1

LVDS auxiliary signal (input), shared between acquisition paths 2 and 3 for trigger input or user input, and dedicated to acquisition path 3 for quadrature input bit 0.

Pin information Connector: DBHD-15 (D) Pin: 4+, 5-


Trigger information Trigger controller: 0 or 2 on acq path 3; 2 on acq path 2. M_HARDWARE_PORT4; Digitizer device #: M_DEV2 1 , M_DEV3 1 ;
Trigger controller: 0 or 2 on acq path 3; 2 on acq path 2.
Hardware manual signal name LVDS_AUX_IN26
Click to summarizeMIL I/O #: M_AUX_IO5
Shared with: M_DEV2 1

LVDS auxiliary signal (input), shared between acquisition paths 2 and 3 for trigger input or user input, and dedicated to acquisition path 3 for timer-clock input or quadrature input bit 1.

Pin information Connector: DBHD-15 (D) Pin: 6+, 8-


Trigger information Trigger controller: 1 or 3 on acq path 3; 3 on acq path 2. M_HARDWARE_PORT5; Digitizer device #: M_DEV2 1 , M_DEV3 1 ;
Trigger controller: 1 or 3 on acq path 3; 3 on acq path 2.
Hardware manual signal name LVDS_AUX_IN27
Click to summarizeMIL I/O #: M_AUX_IO8

TTL auxiliary signal (input/output) for acquisition path 3, which supports: trigger input, user input, or user output.

Pin information Connector: DBHD-15 (D) Pin: 1


User-bit information
MIL user-bit #: M_USER_BIT2;
Digitizer device #: M_DEV3 1 ;
Trigger information Trigger controller: 0 on acq path 3. M_HARDWARE_PORT8; Digitizer device #: M_DEV3 1 ;
Trigger controller: 0 on acq path 3.
Hardware manual signal name TTL_AUX_IO_28
Click to summarizeMIL I/O #: M_AUX_IO9

TTL auxiliary signal (input/output) for acquisition path 3, which supports: timer output, trigger input, user input, or user output.

Pin information Connector: DBHD-15 (D) Pin: 2


User-bit information
MIL user-bit #: M_USER_BIT3;
Digitizer device #: M_DEV3 1 ;
Trigger information Trigger controller: 1 on acq path 3. M_HARDWARE_PORT9; Digitizer device #: M_DEV3 1 ;
Trigger controller: 1 on acq path 3.
Timer information Timer: M_TIMER1; Digitizer device #: M_DEV3 1 ;
Hardware manual signal name TTL_AUX_IO_29
Click to summarizeMIL I/O #: M_AUX_IO12

LVDS auxiliary signal (output) for acquisition path 3, which supports: timer output or user output.

Pin information Connector: DBHD-15 (D) Pin: 13+, 14-


User-bit information
MIL user-bit #: M_USER_BIT0;
Digitizer device #: M_DEV3 1 ;
Timer information Timer: M_TIMER1/M_TIMER2; Digitizer device #: M_DEV3 1 ;
Hardware manual signal name LVDS_AUX_OUT31
Click to summarizeMIL I/O #: M_CC_IO1

Camera control output 1 for acquisition path 3, which supports: timer output, user output, VSYNC output, HSYNC output, clock output, or rerouting of specific auxiliary input signals. Only the following auxiliary input signals can be rerouted to this output signal:

Pin information Connector: HDR/SDR (3) 2  Pin: 5+, 18-


User-bit information
Digitizer device #: M_DEV3 1 ;
Timer information Timer: M_TIMER1/M_TIMER2; Digitizer device #: M_DEV3 1 ;
Hardware manual signal name CC1 (3)
Click to summarizeMIL I/O #: M_CC_IO2

Camera control output 2 for acquisition path 3, which supports: timer output, user output, VSYNC output, HSYNC output, clock output, or rerouting of specific auxiliary input signals. Only the following auxiliary input signals can be rerouted to this output signal:

Pin information Connector: HDR/SDR (3) 2  Pin: 17+, 4-


User-bit information
Digitizer device #: M_DEV3 1 ;
Timer information Timer: M_TIMER1/M_TIMER2; Digitizer device #: M_DEV3 1 ;
Hardware manual signal name CC2 (3)
Click to summarizeMIL I/O #: M_CC_IO3

Camera control output 3 for acquisition path 3, which supports: timer output, user output, VSYNC output, HSYNC output, clock output, or rerouting of specific auxiliary input signals. Only the following auxiliary input signals can be rerouted to this output signal:

Pin information Connector: HDR/SDR (3) 2  Pin: 3+, 16-


User-bit information
Digitizer device #: M_DEV3 1 ;
Timer information Timer: M_TIMER1/M_TIMER2; Digitizer device #: M_DEV3 1 ;
Hardware manual signal name CC3 (3)
Click to summarizeMIL I/O #: M_CC_IO4

Camera control output 4 for acquisition path 3, which supports: timer output, user output, VSYNC output, HSYNC output, clock output, or rerouting of specific auxiliary input signals. Only the following auxiliary input signals can be rerouted to this output signal:

Pin information Connector: HDR/SDR (3) 2  Pin: 15+, 2-


User-bit information
Digitizer device #: M_DEV3 1 ;
Timer information Timer: M_TIMER1/M_TIMER2; Digitizer device #: M_DEV3 1 ;
Hardware manual signal name CC4 (3)

1 Only applicable to Matrox Radient eCL-QB.

2 Only Matrox Radient eCL-QB has this connector; Matrox Radient eCL-DB does not have this connector.