MIL_ID ContextOrResultId, | //in |
MIL_INT64 ControlType, | //in |
MIL_DOUBLE ControlValue | //in |
This function sets the specified control for either an Edge Finder context or an Edge Finder result buffer. For Edge Finder contexts, these settings control the execution of MedgeCalculate() operations and select which edge features MedgeCalculate() should calculate. For Edge Finder result buffers, these settings control the post manipulation of results. For example, to draw a zoomed region of the source image that was used to calculate results, the drawing control values must be appropriately set. Similarly, to select edges based on the proximity of an edge or edges to a specified point, M_NEAREST_NEIGHBOR_RADIUS must be appropriately set. For more information, see MedgeDraw() or MedgeSelect().
All control settings can typically be inquired with MedgeInquire().
For new context settings to take effect, you must calculate the settings, using MedgeCalculate().
Note that some control settings have post-calculation restrictions. For more information, see the Post-calculation subsection of the Calculating and retrieving results section of Chapter 9: Edge Finder.
Specifies either the Edge Finder context or the Edge Finder result buffer whose settings you want to modify. The Edge Finder context or the Edge Finder result buffer must have been previously allocated on the required system using MedgeAlloc() or MedgeAllocResult(), respectively.
Specifies the setting to change.
See the Parameter associations section for possible values that can be specified.
Specifies the setting's new value.
See the Parameter associations section for possible values that can be specified.
The tables below list possible values for the ControlType and ControlValue parameters.
The following ControlType and corresponding ControlValue parameter settings are used to control the Edge Finder context operation settings and can be specified for both M_CONTOUR and M_CREST Edge Finder contexts, unless otherwise specified.
For operation settings for object contours and line
Description | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ControlValue | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sets the edgel accuracy of the edge extraction. Accuracy depends on the image's dynamic range, sharpness, and noise. The best accuracy is achieved in well-contrasted noise-free images. INQ (summarize)Sets the edgel accuracy of the edge extraction. INQ (more details...) |
Same as M_HIGH. |
Specifies that edgel accuracy will be disabled. Edgels will be calculated with pixel accuracy. (summarize)Specifies that edgel accuracy will be disabled. (more details...) |
Specifies high accuracy. Edgels will be calculated with subpixel accuracy. (summarize)Specifies high accuracy. (more details...) |
Specifies very high accuracy. Edgels will be calculated with very precise subpixel accuracy. M_VERY_HIGH uses a classical camera model to compensate for any pixel-distortion aberration. (summarize)Specifies very high accuracy. (more details...) |
Sets the precision with which to estimate edgel angles when extracting edges. M_ANGLE_ACCURACY can only be used with M_CONTOUR Edge Finder contexts. INQ (summarize)Sets the precision with which to estimate edgel angles when extracting edges. INQ (more details...) |
Same as M_HIGH. |
Specifies high precision. The angle estimation is performed in increments of 360/256 degrees. (summarize)Specifies high precision. (more details...) |
Specifies low precision. The angle estimation is performed in increments of 45 degrees. (summarize)Specifies low precision. (more details...) |
Sets how edge chains are built. Edge chains are built using an 8-connected lattice. INQ (summarize)Sets how edge chains are built. INQ (more details...) |
Same as M_DISABLE. |
Specifies that edge chains are built with the least amount of edgel information possible. Specifies that edge chains are built with the least amount of edgel information possible. (more details...) |
Specifies that edge chains are built with as much edgel information as possible. Enabling M_CHAIN_ALL_NEIGHBORS can result in slightly longer calculations, however, the edge chain will contain more edgel information. Specifies that edge chains are built with as much edgel information as possible. (more details...) |
Sets the level of details to extract from the image. The detail level determines what is considered an edge/background. A higher detail level will include more edges than a lower detail level. Essentially, M_DETAIL_LEVEL sets the threshold mode of the Edge Finder context. Note that an M_DETAIL_LEVEL setting overrides an M_THRESHOLD_MODE setting. Typically, M_DETAIL_LEVEL is used when interfacing with the MIL Geometric Model Finder module. Otherwise, M_THRESHOLD_MODE should be used instead. (summarize)Sets the level of details to extract from the image. (more details...) |
Same as M_MEDIUM. |
Sets the detail level to high. |
Sets the detail level to medium. |
Sets the detail level to very high. |
Sets the scale of the image at which to do the edge extraction. Once the extraction is complete, the results are scaled to the original scale of the image. An extraction scale less than one speeds up the calculation or the search but can result in a less reliable result, including, the loss of important details and/or a reduction in the accuracy of the search results. M_EXTRACTION_SCALE is for advanced users of the EdgeFinder module. The default setting usually provides the most accurate search results. INQ (summarize)Sets the scale of the image at which to do the edge extraction. INQ (more details...) |
Specifies the default value; the default value is 1.0. |
Value > 0 |
Specifies the extraction scale. |
Sets the degree of smoothness (strength of denoising) applied by the filter during the neighborhood operation. M_FILTER_SMOOTHNESS only has an effect if MedgeControl() with M_FILTER_TYPE is set to M_DERICHE or M_SHEN. INQ (summarize)Sets the degree of smoothness (strength of denoising) applied by the filter during the neighborhood operation. INQ (more details...) |
Specifies the default value; the default value is 50.0. |
0.0 <= Value <= 100.0 |
Specifies the smoothness value. A value of 100.0 results in a strong noise reduction effect, while a value of 0.0 has almost no noise reduction effect. (summarize)Specifies the smoothness value. (more details...) |
Sets the type of filter used when performing the neighborhood operation used to extract edges. The type of filter determines the distribution of the neighborhoods' influence. INQ (summarize)Sets the type of filter used when performing the neighborhood operation used to extract edges. INQ (more details...) |
Same as M_SHEN. |
Specifies a Deriche infinite support filter. This is an exponential weighting function, of the general form: Deriche is an Infinite Impulse Response (IIR) filter. For the Deriche filter, the neighborhoods' influence decreases much slower as the distance from the central pixel increases, compared to the Shen-Castan filter (M_SHEN). M_DERICHE can be used with both M_CONTOUR and M_CREST Edge Finder contexts. Typically, M_DERICHE is used for unusually thick crests. M_DERICHE allows you to use Edge Finder's smoothing capabilities. To do so, use MedgeControl() with M_FILTER_SMOOTHNESS. (summarize)Specifies a Deriche infinite support filter. (more details...) |
Specifies a Frei Chen filter. This is a Finite Impulse Response (FIR) filter that can be represented with the following convolution kernels: M_FREI_CHEN can only be used with M_CONTOUR Edge Finder contexts. Also, when using M_FREI_CHEN, you cannot smooth images using MedgeControl() with M_FILTER_SMOOTHNESS. (summarize)Specifies a Frei Chen filter. (more details...) |
Specifies a Prewitt filter. This is a Finite Impulse Response (FIR) filter that can be represented with the following convolution kernels: M_PREWITT can only be used with M_CONTOUR Edge Finder contexts. Also, when using M_PREWITT, you cannot smooth images using MedgeControl() with M_FILTER_SMOOTHNESS. (summarize)Specifies a Prewitt filter. (more details...) |
Specifies a Shen-Castan infinite support exponential filter. This is an exponential weighting function, of the general form: Shen-Castan is an Infinite Impulse Response (IIR) filter. For the Shen-Castan filter, the neighborhoods' influence decreases much faster as the distance from the central pixel increases, compared to the Deriche filter (M_DERICHE). M_SHEN can be used with both M_CONTOUR and M_CREST Edge Finder contexts. Typically, M_SHEN performs an excellent edge extraction on most images; however, if you are extracting unusually thick crests that yield inappropriate results, you should use M_DERICHE. M_SHEN allows you to use Edge Finder's smoothing capabilities. To do so, use MedgeControl() with M_FILTER_SMOOTHNESS. (summarize)Specifies a Shen-Castan infinite support exponential filter. (more details...) |
Specifies a Sobel filter. This is a Finite Impulse Response (FIR) filter that can be represented with the following convolution kernels: M_SOBEL can only be used with M_CONTOUR Edge Finder contexts. Also, when using M_SOBEL, you cannot smooth images using MedgeControl() with M_FILTER_SMOOTHNESS. (summarize)Specifies a Sobel filter. (more details...) |
Sets whether to force all the processing of edge extraction operations to be performed using floating-point precision calculations. INQ (summarize)Sets whether to force all the processing of edge extraction operations to be performed using floating-point precision calculations. INQ (more details...) |
Same as M_DISABLE. |
Specifies that all edge extractions are not forced to be performed using floating-point precision calculations. |
Specifies that all edge extractions are forced to be performed using floating-point precision calculations. |
Sets how to calculate the magnitude of the edge at each edgel position. Note that for M_CONTOUR Edge Finder contexts, the magnitude is the norm of the gradient vector at the edgel position. For M_CREST Edge Finder contexts, the magnitude is equal to the maximum eigenvalue of the Hessian matrix at the edgel position. INQ (summarize)Sets how to calculate the magnitude of the edge at each edgel position. INQ (more details...) |
Specifies the default value. For M_CONTOUR Edge Finder contexts, the default is M_SQR_NORM. For M_CREST Edge Finder contexts, the default is M_NORM. (summarize)Specifies the default value. (more details...) |
Specifies that the magnitude will be used. |
Specifies that the square of the magnitude will be used. This value optimizes the edge extraction operation while still preserving a very good edgel position accuracy. M_SQR_NORM is calculated faster than M_NORM, though it is less accurate. (summarize)Specifies that the square of the magnitude will be used. (more details...) |
Sets the type of overscan used to handle the source image's bordering pixels. Note that M_OVERSCAN is ignored if using an IIR filter (e.g. Shen and Deriche filter types). INQ (summarize)Sets the type of overscan used to handle the source image's bordering pixels. INQ (more details...) |
Same as M_MIRROR. |
Specifies that no overscan will be used, unless processing the border pixels is faster than ignoring them; in the latter case, MIL automatically selects the overscan to optimize speed according to the specified operation and the target system. |
Specifies that the border pixels of a source image are processed using overscan pixel values that mirror the source buffer pixel values. That is, the overscan pixel values will be a mirror copy of the source buffer's borders. For example: Specifies that the border pixels of a source image are processed using overscan pixel values that mirror the source buffer pixel values. (more details...) |
Specifies that the border pixels of a source image are processed using overscan pixel values set to the overscan replacement value (MedgeControl() with M_OVERSCAN_REPLACE_VALUE). |
Specifies that the border pixels of a source image are processed using transparent overscan pixel values. That is, the overscan pixel values will be those of the parent buffer. If they are not available, a mirror type overscan is used instead. (summarize)Specifies that the border pixels of a source image are processed using transparent overscan pixel values. (more details...) |
Sets a replacement value for the overscan pixel values. Note that M_OVERSCAN_REPLACE_VALUE is ignored unless M_OVERSCAN with MedgeControl() is set to M_REPLACE. In addition, M_OVERSCAN_REPLACE_VALUE is ignored if using an IIR filter (e.g. Shen and Deriche filter types). INQ (summarize)Sets a replacement value for the overscan pixel values. INQ (more details...) |
Specifies the default value; the default value is 0. |
Specifies that the overscan neighborhood pixel values will be set to the maximum value of the source image buffer. |
Specifies that the overscan neighborhood pixel values will be set to the minimum value of the source image buffer. |
Value |
Specifies the value of the overscan neighborhood pixels. |
Sets the upper bound of the hysteresis threshold value. M_THRESHOLD_HIGH is ignored unless MedgeControl() with M_THRESHOLD_MODE is set to M_USER_DEFINED. Note that lower threshold values result in a more sensitive edgel detection; that is, a higher (or equal) number of edgels are detected. INQ (summarize)Sets the upper bound of the hysteresis threshold value. INQ (more details...) |
Specifies the default value; the default value is 0.0. |
Value >= 0.0 |
Specifies the upper bound of the hysteresis threshold. |
Sets the lower bound of the hysteresis threshold value. M_THRESHOLD_LOW is ignored unless MedgeControl() with M_THRESHOLD_MODE is set to M_USER_DEFINED. Note that lower threshold values result in a more sensitive edgel detection; that is, a higher (or equal) number of edgels are detected. INQ (summarize)Sets the lower bound of the hysteresis threshold value. INQ (more details...) |
Specifies the default value; the default value is 0.0. |
Value >= 0.0 |
Specifies the lower bound of the hysteresis threshold. |
Sets the threshold of the edge extraction. The Edge Finder module uses a classical hysteresis threshold to extract relevant edges in the image. Threshold values can either be set manually or determined automatically by the Edge Finder module. Note that lower threshold values result in a more sensitive edgel detection; that is, a higher (or equal) number of edgels are detected. When interfacing with the MIL Geometric Model Finder module, you should use M_DETAIL_LEVEL to set the threshold mode. Note that an M_DETAIL_LEVEL setting overrides an M_THRESHOLD_MODE setting. INQ (summarize)Sets the threshold of the edge extraction. INQ (more details...) |
Same as M_HIGH. |
Specifies no threshold. All edges are extracted. (summarize)Specifies no threshold. (more details...) |
Specifies a high threshold. M_HIGH should be used for images with some contrast variations, noise, and non-uniform illumination. M_HIGH always results in a lower (or equal) number of edgels than M_MEDIUM. (summarize)Specifies a high threshold. (more details...) |
Specifies a low threshold. All edges over a minimum noise-based estimated threshold are extracted. M_LOW always results in a lower (or equal) number of edgels than M_DISABLE. (summarize)Specifies a low threshold. (more details...) |
Specifies a medium threshold. M_MEDIUM should be used for multi-contrast images, or for images with a lot of noise or non-uniform illumination. M_MEDIUM always results in a lower (or equal) number of edgels than M_LOW. (summarize)Specifies a medium threshold. (more details...) |
Specifies that the threshold values will be user-defined. Set the threshold values with M_THRESHOLD_LOW and M_THRESHOLD_HIGH. (summarize)Specifies that the threshold values will be user-defined. (more details...) |
Specifies a very high threshold. Only the strongest edges in the image are extracted. M_VERY_HIGH always results in a lower (or equal) number of edgels than M_HIGH. (summarize)Specifies a very high threshold. (more details...) |
Sets the type of hysteresis threshold used when performing the edge extraction. Edge chains are built such that the magnitude values of all connected edgels are stronger than a lower bound threshold value and such that at least one of the edgel's magnitude in each edge chain is stronger than a upper bound threshold value. Note that M_THRESHOLD_TYPE sets how to use the lower and upper threshold bounds, while M_THRESHOLD_MODE defines what the bounds are. INQ (summarize)Sets the type of hysteresis threshold used when performing the edge extraction. INQ (more details...) |
Specifies that the lower bound threshold value is 0. |
Specifies that both the lower bound threshold value and the upper bound threshold value will be used. |
Specifies that the lower bound threshold value is equal to the upper bound threshold value. |
Sets the maximum edge extraction and calculation time for MedgeCalculate(), in msec. INQ (summarize)Sets the maximum edge extraction and calculation time for MedgeCalculate(), in msec. INQ (more details...) |
Same as M_DISABLE. |
Specifies an infinite amount of edge extraction and calculation time. |
Value > 0 |
Specifies the maximum edge extraction and calculation time, in msec. |
The following ControlType and corresponding ControlValue settings are used to control the Edge Finder context operation settings and can only be specified for M_CREST Edge Finder contexts.
For operation settings for line crests
Description | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ControlValue | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sets the color of the line crests to extract from the image. INQ (summarize)Sets the color of the line crests to extract from the image. INQ (more details...) |
Specifies that the line crests are both lighter and darker than the image's background color. This corresponds to both valley-like and ridge-like lines extracted from the image. (summarize)Specifies that the line crests are both lighter and darker than the image's background color. (more details...) |
Specifies that the line crests are darker than the image's background color. This corresponds to valley-like lines extracted from the image (a valley-like Gaussian profile). (summarize)Specifies that the line crests are darker than the image's background color. (more details...) |
Specifies that the line crests are lighter than the image's background color. This corresponds to ridge-like lines extracted from the image (a ridge-like Gaussian profile). (summarize)Specifies that the line crests are lighter than the image's background color. (more details...) |
The following ControlType and corresponding ControlValue parameter settings are used to save internal buffers in the Edge Finder result buffer and can be specified for both M_CONTOUR and M_CREST Edge Finder contexts.
For saving internal buffers in the Edge Finder result
Description | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ControlValue | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sets whether the internal angle buffer, used when extracting edges, is saved in the Edge Finder result buffer. Note that the angle value is not meaningful in the whole image; it is only meaningful for edges whose magnitude value is above the lower bound threshold value. Note that the angle is measured between the horizontal axis and the perpendicular direction of the edge chain at each edgel location. For more information on angle convention in MIL, see the Internal processing buffers subsection of the Calculating and retrieving results section of Chapter 9: Edge Finder. INQ (summarize)Sets whether the internal angle buffer, used when extracting edges, is saved in the Edge Finder result buffer. INQ (more details...) |
Same as M_DISABLE. |
Specifies that the angle buffer will not be saved. |
Specifies that the angle buffer will be saved. |
Sets whether the angle value of the edge at each edgel position is saved in the Edge Finder result buffer. INQ (summarize)Sets whether the angle value of the edge at each edgel position is saved in the Edge Finder result buffer. INQ (more details...) |
Same as M_DISABLE. |
Specifies that the angle values will not be saved. |
Specifies that the angle values will be saved. |
Sets whether the magnitude value of the edge at each edgel position is saved in the Edge Finder result buffer. INQ (summarize)Sets whether the magnitude value of the edge at each edgel position is saved in the Edge Finder result buffer. INQ (more details...) |
Same as M_DISABLE. |
Specifies that the magnitude values will not be saved. |
Specifies that the magnitude values will be saved. |
Sets whether the internal derivative buffers used when extracting edges are saved in the Edge Finder result buffer. INQ (summarize)Sets whether the internal derivative buffers used when extracting edges are saved in the Edge Finder result buffer. INQ (more details...) |
Same as M_DISABLE. |
Specifies that the derivative buffers will not be saved. |
Specifies that the derivative buffers will be saved. |
Sets whether the source image is saved in the Edge Finder result buffer. INQ (summarize)Sets whether the source image is saved in the Edge Finder result buffer. INQ (more details...) |
Same as M_DISABLE. |
Specifies that the image will not be saved. |
Specifies that the image will be saved. |
Sets whether the internal magnitude buffer, used when extracting edges, is saved in the Edge Finder result buffer. For M_CONTOUR Edge Finder contexts, the magnitude is the norm of the gradient vector at the edgel position. For M_CREST Edge Finder contexts, the magnitude is equal to the maximum eigenvalue of the Hessian matrix at the edgel position. INQ (summarize)Sets whether the internal magnitude buffer, used when extracting edges, is saved in the Edge Finder result buffer. INQ (more details...) |
Same as M_DISABLE. |
Specifies that the magnitude buffer will not be saved. |
Specifies that the magnitude buffer will be saved. |
Sets whether the mask buffer is saved in the Edge Finder result buffer. For more information, see MedgeMask(). INQ (summarize)Sets whether the mask buffer is saved in the Edge Finder result buffer. INQ (more details...) |
Same as M_DISABLE. |
Specifies that the mask will not be saved. |
Specifies that the mask will be saved. |
The following ControlType and corresponding ControlValue parameter settings are used to control the edge features calculated for each edge and can be specified for both M_CONTOUR and M_CREST Edge Finder contexts.
For calculating edge features
Description | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ControlValue | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sets whether to calculate the average strength of each edge. This is the average energy of each edge, which is defined as the energy of the edge (M_STRENGTH) divided by its number of edgels. INQ (summarize)Sets whether to calculate the average strength of each edge. INQ (more details...) |
Same as M_DISABLE. |
Specifies that the average strength will not be calculated. |
Specifies that the average strength will be calculated. |
Sets whether to calculate the extreme right edgel coordinate of each edge. INQ (summarize)Sets whether to calculate the extreme right edgel coordinate of each edge. INQ (more details...) |
Same as M_DISABLE. |
Specifies that the extreme right edgel coordinate will not be calculated. |
Specifies that the extreme right edgel coordinate will be calculated. |
Sets whether to calculate the extreme left edgel coordinate of each edge. INQ (summarize)Sets whether to calculate the extreme left edgel coordinate of each edge. INQ (more details...) |
Same as M_DISABLE. |
Specifies that the extreme left edgel coordinate will not be calculated. |
Specifies that the extreme left edgel coordinate will be calculated. |
Sets whether to calculate the extreme bottom edgel coordinate of each edge. INQ (summarize)Sets whether to calculate the extreme bottom edgel coordinate of each edge. INQ (more details...) |
Same as M_DISABLE. |
Specifies that the extreme bottom edgel coordinate will not be calculated. |
Specifies that the extreme bottom edgel coordinate will be calculated. |
Sets whether to calculate the extreme top edgel coordinate of each edge. INQ (summarize)Sets whether to calculate the extreme top edgel coordinate of each edge. INQ (more details...) |
Same as M_DISABLE. |
Specifies that the extreme top edgel coordinate will not be calculated. |
Specifies that the extreme top edgel coordinate will be calculated. |
Sets whether to calculate the X-position of each edge's center of gravity. This is equal to the average position of edgel positions in X. INQ (summarize)Sets whether to calculate the X-position of each edge's center of gravity. INQ (more details...) |
Same as M_DISABLE. |
Specifies that the X-position of the center of gravity will not be calculated. |
Specifies that the X-position of the center of gravity will be calculated. |
Sets whether to calculate the Y-position of each edge's center of gravity. This is equal to the average position of edgel positions in Y. INQ (summarize)Sets whether to calculate the Y-position of each edge's center of gravity. INQ (more details...) |
Same as M_DISABLE. |
Specifies that the Y-position of the center of gravity will not be calculated. |
Specifies that the Y-position of the center of gravity will be calculated. |
Sets whether to calculate the X-coordinate of the center of the circle that is the best fit for each edge. INQ (summarize)Sets whether to calculate the X-coordinate of the center of the circle that is the best fit for each edge. INQ (more details...) |
Same as M_DISABLE. |
Specifies that the X-coordinate will not be calculated. |
Specifies that the X-coordinate will be calculated. |
Sets whether to calculate the Y-coordinate of the center of the circle that is the best fit for each edge. INQ (summarize)Sets whether to calculate the Y-coordinate of the center of the circle that is the best fit for each edge. INQ (more details...) |
Same as M_DISABLE. |
Specifies that the Y-coordinate will not be calculated. |
Specifies that the Y-coordinate will be calculated. |
Sets whether to calculate the coverage of the circle that is the best fit for each edge. The circle fit coverage indicates what angular fraction of the fitted circle is subtended by the radii going to the endpoints of the edge. If the edge is closed, the coverage will be 1. For a quarter circle the coverage would be 0.25. A perfectly straight line has a coverage of 0, it doesn't subtend much of an infinitely large circle. INQ (summarize)Sets whether to calculate the coverage of the circle that is the best fit for each edge. INQ (more details...) |
Same as M_DISABLE. |
Specifies that the coverage of the circle will not be calculated. |
Specifies that the coverage of the circle will be calculated. |
Sets whether to calculate the fit error of the circle that is the best fit for each edge. This is calculated as the average quadratic error. INQ (summarize)Sets whether to calculate the fit error of the circle that is the best fit for each edge. INQ (more details...) |
Same as M_DISABLE. |
Specifies that the fit error of the circle will not be calculated. |
Specifies that the fit error of the circle will be calculated. |
Sets whether to calculate the radius of the circle that is the best fit for each edge. INQ (summarize)Sets whether to calculate the radius of the circle that is the best fit for each edge. INQ (more details...) |
Same as M_DISABLE. |
Specifies that the radius will not be calculated. |
Specifies that the radius will be calculated. |
Sets whether to calculate the closure state of each edge. The closure state identifies whether the edge forms a closed chain. INQ (summarize)Sets whether to calculate the closure state of each edge. INQ (more details...) |
Same as M_DISABLE. |
Specifies that the edge's closure state will not be calculated. |
Specifies that the edge's closure state will be calculated. |
Sets whether to calculate the convex elongation of each edge. This is an approximation of the perimeter of the convex hull of an edge. It is derived from several Feret diameters; therefore, a larger number of Ferets gives a more accurate result (see M_NUMBER_OF_FERETS). INQ (summarize)Sets whether to calculate the convex elongation of each edge. INQ (more details...) |
Same as M_DISABLE. |
Specifies that the convex elongation will not be calculated. |
Specifies that the convex elongation will be calculated. |
Sets whether to calculate the angle of the ellipse that is the best fit for each edge. INQ (summarize)Sets whether to calculate the angle of the ellipse that is the best fit for each edge. INQ (more details...) |
Same as M_DISABLE. |
Specifies that the angle will not be calculated. |
Specifies that the angle will be calculated. |
Sets whether to calculate the X-coordinate of the center of the ellipse that is the best fit for each edge. INQ (summarize)Sets whether to calculate the X-coordinate of the center of the ellipse that is the best fit for each edge. INQ (more details...) |
Same as M_DISABLE. |
Specifies that the X-coordinate will not be calculated. |
Specifies that the X-coordinate will be calculated. |
Sets whether to calculate the Y-coordinate of the center of the ellipse that is the best fit for each edge. INQ (summarize)Sets whether to calculate the Y-coordinate of the center of the ellipse that is the best fit for each edge. INQ (more details...) |
Same as M_DISABLE. |
Specifies that the Y-coordinate will not be calculated. |
Specifies that the Y-coordinate will be calculated. |
Sets whether to calculate the coverage of the ellipse that is the best fit for each edge. The coverage describes the portion of the ellipse covered by the edge. The value returned is between 0.0 and 1.0, inclusive, where 0.0 equals no coverage, 0.5 equals 50 percent coverage, and 1.0 equals 100 percent coverage. INQ (summarize)Sets whether to calculate the coverage of the ellipse that is the best fit for each edge. INQ (more details...) |
Same as M_DISABLE. |
Specifies that the coverage of the ellipse will not be calculated. |
Specifies that the coverage of the ellipse will be calculated. |
Sets whether to calculate the fit error of the ellipse that is the best fit for each edge. This is calculated as the average quadratic error. INQ (summarize)Sets whether to calculate the fit error of the ellipse that is the best fit for each edge. INQ (more details...) |
Same as M_DISABLE. |
Specifies that the fit error of the ellipse will not be calculated. |
Specifies that the fit error of the ellipse will be calculated. |
Sets whether to calculate the major axis of the ellipse that is the best fit for each edge. The major axis is the line passing through the foci, center, and vertices of an ellipse. It is also the principal axis of symmetry. INQ (summarize)Sets whether to calculate the major axis of the ellipse that is the best fit for each edge. INQ (more details...) |
Same as M_DISABLE. |
Specifies that the major axis will not be calculated. |
Specifies that the major axis will be calculated. |
Sets whether to calculate the minor axis of the ellipse that is the best fit for each edge. The minor axis is the line through the center of an ellipse that is perpendicular to the major axis. The minor axis is an axis of symmetry. INQ (summarize)Sets whether to calculate the minor axis of the ellipse that is the best fit for each edge. INQ (more details...) |
Same as M_DISABLE. |
Specifies that the minor axis will not be calculated. |
Specifies that the minor axis will be calculated. |
Sets whether to calculate a coarse approximation for the length of each edge. M_FAST_LENGTH gives a less accurate but faster approximation of the edge's length than M_LENGTH. M_FAST_LENGTH is equal to: INQ (summarize)Sets whether to calculate a coarse approximation for the length of each edge. INQ (more details...) |
Same as M_DISABLE. |
Specifies that a fast length will not be calculated. |
Specifies that a fast length will be calculated. |
Sets whether to calculate the Feret elongation of each edge. This is a measure of the shape of each edge. It is equal to M_FERET_MAX_DIAMETER / M_FERET_MIN_DIAMETER. It is accurate for reasonably compact objects, but becomes less accurate for very elongated objects (because M_FERET_MIN_DIAMETER becomes less accurate). INQ (summarize)Sets whether to calculate the Feret elongation of each edge. INQ (more details...) |
Same as M_DISABLE. |
Specifies that the Feret elongation will not be calculated. |
Specifies that the Feret elongation will be calculated. |
Sets whether to calculate the general Feret of each edge. This is the Feret diameter calculated at M_FERET_GENERAL_ANGLE. INQ (summarize)Sets whether to calculate the general Feret of each edge. INQ (more details...) |
Same as M_DISABLE. |
Specifies that the general Feret will not be calculated. |
Specifies that the general Feret will be calculated. |
Sets whether to calculate the maximum Feret angle of each edge. This is the angle at which the maximum Feret diameter is found. INQ (summarize)Sets whether to calculate the maximum Feret angle of each edge. INQ (more details...) |
Same as M_DISABLE. |
Specifies that the maximum Feret angle will not be calculated. |
Specifies that the maximum Feret angle will be calculated. |
Sets whether to calculate the maximum Feret diameter of each edge. This is the largest Feret diameter found after checking a certain number of angles (see M_NUMBER_OF_FERETS). More angles will give a more accurate result, but will take longer to calculate. INQ (summarize)Sets whether to calculate the maximum Feret diameter of each edge. INQ (more details...) |
Same as M_DISABLE. |
Specifies that the maximum Feret diameter will not be calculated. |
Specifies that the maximum Feret diameter will be calculated. |
Sets whether to calculate the average Feret diameter at all the angles checked. See M_NUMBER_OF_FERETS for more information. INQ (summarize)Sets whether to calculate the average Feret diameter at all the angles checked. INQ (more details...) |
Same as M_DISABLE. |
Specifies that the average Feret diameter will not be calculated. |
Specifies that the average Feret diameter will be calculated. |
Sets whether to calculate the minimum Feret angle of each edge. This is the angle at which the minimum Feret diameter is found. INQ (summarize)Sets whether to calculate the minimum Feret angle of each edge. INQ (more details...) |
Same as M_DISABLE. |
Specifies that the minimum Feret angle will not be calculated. |
Specifies that the minimum Feret angle will be calculated. |
Sets whether to calculate the minimum Feret diameter of each edge. This is the smallest Feret diameter found after checking a certain number of angles (see M_NUMBER_OF_FERETS). More angles will give a more accurate result, but will take longer to calculate. INQ (summarize)Sets whether to calculate the minimum Feret diameter of each edge. INQ (more details...) |
Same as M_DISABLE. |
Specifies that the minimum Feret diameter will not be calculated. |
Specifies that the minimum Feret diameter will be calculated. |
Sets whether to calculate the X-Feret value of each edge. This is the dimension of the minimum bounding box of an edge in the horizontal direction; that is, M_BOX_X_MAX - M_BOX_X_MIN. INQ (summarize)Sets whether to calculate the X-Feret value of each edge. INQ (more details...) |
Same as M_DISABLE. |
Specifies that the X-Feret value will not be calculated. |
Specifies that the X-Feret value will be calculated. |
Sets whether to calculate the Y-Feret value of each edge. This is the dimension of the minimum bounding box of an edge in the vertical direction; that is, M_BOX_Y_MAX - M_BOX_Y_MIN. INQ (summarize)Sets whether to calculate the Y-Feret value of each edge. INQ (more details...) |
Same as M_DISABLE. |
Specifies that the Y-Feret value will not be calculated. |
Specifies that the Y-Feret value will be calculated. |
Sets whether to calculate the X-coordinate of each edge's first point (starting point). Together with M_FIRST_POINT_Y, these values define a unique point for each edge, which is always the first point of each edge chain. INQ (summarize)Sets whether to calculate the X-coordinate of each edge's first point (starting point). INQ (more details...) |
Same as M_DISABLE. |
Specifies that the first point's X-coordinate will not be calculated. |
Specifies that the first point's X-coordinate will be calculated. |
Sets whether to calculate the Y-coordinate of each edge's first point (starting point). Together with M_FIRST_POINT_X, these values define a unique point for each edge, which is always the first point of each edge chain. INQ (summarize)Sets whether to calculate the Y-coordinate of each edge's first point (starting point). INQ (more details...) |
Same as M_DISABLE. |
Specifies that the first point's Y-coordinate will not be calculated. |
Specifies that the first point's Y-coordinate will be calculated. |
Sets whether to calculate the label value of each edge in an image. The label value is a positive integer greater or equal to one; each edge in an image has a unique label value. INQ (summarize)Sets whether to calculate the label value of each edge in an image. INQ (more details...) |
Same as M_ENABLE. |
Specifies that the label value will not be calculated. |
Specifies that the label value will be calculated. |
Sets whether to calculate the length of each edge. M_LENGTH gives a more accurate but slower approximation of the edge's length than M_FAST_LENGTH. INQ (summarize)Sets whether to calculate the length of each edge. INQ (more details...) |
Same as M_DISABLE. |
Specifies that the length of each edge will not be calculated. |
Specifies that the length of each edge will be calculated. |
Sets whether to calculate the coefficient A of the line that is the best fit for each edge. The line fit approximation is based on the following equation: A x + B y + C = 0. INQ (summarize)Sets whether to calculate the coefficient A of the line that is the best fit for each edge. INQ (more details...) |
Same as M_DISABLE. |
Specifies that the coefficient A will not be calculated. |
Specifies that the coefficient A will be calculated. |
Sets whether to calculate the coefficient B of the line that is the best fit for each edge. The line fit approximation is based on the following equation: A x + B y + C = 0. INQ (summarize)Sets whether to calculate the coefficient B of the line that is the best fit for each edge. INQ (more details...) |
Same as M_DISABLE. |
Specifies that the coefficient B will not be calculated. |
Specifies that the coefficient B will be calculated. |
Sets whether to calculate the coefficient C of the line that is the best fit for each edge. The line fit approximation is based on the following equation: A x + B y + C = 0. INQ (summarize)Sets whether to calculate the coefficient C of the line that is the best fit for each edge. INQ (more details...) |
Same as M_DISABLE. |
Specifies that the coefficient C will not be calculated. |
Specifies that the coefficient C will be calculated. |
Sets whether to calculate the fit error of the line that is the best fit for each edge. This is calculated as the average quadratic error. The line fit approximation is based on the following equation: A x + B y + C = 0. INQ (summarize)Sets whether to calculate the fit error of the line that is the best fit for each edge. INQ (more details...) |
Same as M_DISABLE. |
Specifies that the fit error will not be calculated. |
Specifies that the fit error will be calculated. |
Sets whether to calculate the moment elongation of each edge. M_MOMENT_ELONGATION is defined as the ratio of the principal values of the edge's inertial matrix, which corresponds to the principal directions of the edge shape. This can be approximately defined as the ratio between the edge's minimum and maximum moment. INQ (summarize)Sets whether to calculate the moment elongation of each edge. INQ (more details...) |
Same as M_DISABLE. |
Specifies that the moment elongation will not be calculated. |
Specifies that the moment elongation will be calculated. |
Sets whether to calculate the angle of the principal axis along each edge's moment elongation (M_MOMENT_ELONGATION). INQ (summarize)Sets whether to calculate the angle of the principal axis along each edge's moment elongation (M_MOMENT_ELONGATION). INQ (more details...) |
Same as M_DISABLE. |
Specifies that the angle of the moment elongation will not be calculated. |
Specifies that the angle of the moment elongation will be calculated. |
Sets whether to calculate the X-position of each edge. The position of the edge is defined by the middle edgel of the edge chain. INQ (summarize)Sets whether to calculate the X-position of each edge. INQ (more details...) |
Same as M_DISABLE. |
Specifies that the X-position will not be calculated. |
Specifies that the X-position will be calculated. |
Sets whether to calculate the Y-position of each edge. The position of the edge is defined by the middle edgel of the edge chain. INQ (summarize)Sets whether to calculate the Y-position of each edge. INQ (more details...) |
Same as M_DISABLE. |
Specifies that the Y-position will not be calculated. |
Specifies that the Y-position will be calculated. |
M_SIZE + |
Sets whether to calculate the number of edgels of each edge. INQ (summarize)Sets whether to calculate the number of edgels of each edge. INQ (more details...) |
Same as M_DISABLE. |
Specifies that the number of edgels will not be calculated. |
Specifies that the number of edgels will be calculated. |
Sets whether to calculate the strength of each edge. This is the energy of each edge, which is defined as the sum of the square of the edgels' magnitude values. INQ (summarize)Sets whether to calculate the strength of each edge. INQ (more details...) |
Same as M_DISABLE. |
Specifies that the strength will not be calculated. |
Specifies that the strength will be calculated. |
Sets whether to calculate the tortuosity measure of each edge. The tortuosity measure is equal to the diagonal length of the edge's bounding box (M_BOX), divided by the length of the edge (M_LENGTH). Therefore, a non-tortuous edge (a straight line) will have a tortuosity of 1.0 while a tortuous edge will have its tortuosity decreasing toward zero. INQ (summarize)Sets whether to calculate the tortuosity measure of each edge. INQ (more details...) |
Same as M_DISABLE. |
Specifies that the tortuosity measure will not be calculated. |
Specifies that the tortuosity measure will be calculated. |
Sets whether to calculate the maximum X-coordinate at the maximum Y-coordinate of each edge. Together with M_BOX_Y_MAX, this is one of four contact points on the convex perimeter of the edge. INQ (summarize)Sets whether to calculate the maximum X-coordinate at the maximum Y-coordinate of each edge. INQ (more details...) |
Same as M_DISABLE. |
Specifies that the X-maximum at Y-maximum will not be calculated. |
Specifies that the X-maximum at Y-maximum will be calculated. |
Sets whether to calculate the minimum X-coordinate at the minimum Y-coordinate of each edge. Together with M_BOX_Y_MIN, this is one of four contact points on the convex perimeter of the edge. INQ (summarize)Sets whether to calculate the minimum X-coordinate at the minimum Y-coordinate of each edge. INQ (more details...) |
Same as M_DISABLE. |
Specifies that the X-minimum at Y-minimum will not be calculated. |
Specifies that the X-minimum at Y-minimum will be calculated. |
Sets whether to calculate the maximum Y-coordinate at the minimum X-coordinate of each edge. Together with M_BOX_X_MIN, this is one of four contact points on the convex perimeter of the edge. INQ (summarize)Sets whether to calculate the maximum Y-coordinate at the minimum X-coordinate of each edge. INQ (more details...) |
Same as M_DISABLE. |
Specifies that the Y-maximum at X-minimum will not be calculated. |
Specifies that the Y-maximum at X-minimum will be calculated. |
Sets whether to calculate the minimum Y-coordinate at the maximum X-coordinate of each edge. Together with M_BOX_X_MAX, this is one of four contact points on the convex perimeter of the edge. INQ (summarize)Sets whether to calculate the minimum Y-coordinate at the maximum X-coordinate of each edge. INQ (more details...) |
Same as M_DISABLE. |
Specifies that the Y-minimum at X-maximum will not be calculated. |
Specifies that the Y-minimum at X-maximum will be calculated. |
You can add one of the following values to the above-mentioned values to specify a sorting key for result retrieval.
Note that only one edge feature can be selected as the first, second, or third sorting key.
For specifying a sorting key
Description | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Removes the specified sorting key. |
Specifies the feature as the n th sorting key (in descending order), where n stands for an integer between 1 and 3. |
Specifies the feature as the n th sorting key (in ascending order), where n stands for an integer between 1 and 3. |
The following ControlType and corresponding ControlValue parameter settings are used to calculate Feret values and can be specified for both M_CONTOUR and M_CREST Edge Finder contexts.
For calculating Feret values
Description | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ControlValue | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sets the end of the angular range at which to search for Feret diameters. The angular range is used to calculate the following Feret features: M_FERET_MAX_DIAMETER, M_FERET_MIN_DIAMETER, M_FERET_MAX_ANGLE, and M_FERET_MIN_ANGLE. The search is done in the counter-clockwise direction in steps of (M_FERET_ANGLE_SEARCH_END - M_FERET_ANGLE_SEARCH_START) / M_NUMBER_OF_FERETS. INQ (summarize)Sets the end of the angular range at which to search for Feret diameters. INQ (more details...) |
Specifies the default value; the default value is 360.0°. |
0.0 <= Value <= 360.0 |
Specifies the end of the angular region. |
Sets the start of the angular range at which to search for Feret diameters. The angular range is used to calculate the following Feret features: M_FERET_MAX_DIAMETER, M_FERET_MIN_DIAMETER, M_FERET_MAX_ANGLE, and M_FERET_MIN_ANGLE. The search is done in the counter-clockwise direction in steps of (M_FERET_ANGLE_SEARCH_END - M_FERET_ANGLE_SEARCH_START) / M_NUMBER_OF_FERETS. INQ (summarize)Sets the start of the angular range at which to search for Feret diameters. INQ (more details...) |
Specifies the default value; the default value is 0.0°. |
0.0 <= Value <= 360.0 |
Specifies the start of the angular region. |
Sets the angle at which to calculate the M_FERET_GENERAL value. INQ (summarize)Sets the angle at which to calculate the M_FERET_GENERAL value. INQ (more details...) |
Specifies the default value; the default value is 0.0°. |
Specifies to use the moment elongation angle plus the offset n. The moment elongation angle is the angle of the principal axis for an edge's moment elongation (M_MOMENT_ELONGATION). Adding an offset is optional. For example, if you want to get the general Feret measure to be perpendicular to the moment elongation angle, set the offset to 90. (summarize)Specifies to use the moment elongation angle plus the offset n. (more details...) |
0.0 <= Value <= 360.0 |
Specifies the angle, in degrees. |
Sets the number of Feret angles to use to calculate M_FERET_MAX_DIAMETER, M_FERET_MIN_DIAMETER, M_FERET_MAX_ANGLE, M_FERET_MIN_ANGLE, M_FERET_MEAN_DIAMETER, M_FERET_ELONGATION, and M_CONVEX_PERIMETER. The first Feret angle used is established using M_FERET_ANGLE_SEARCH_START, and the difference between successive angles is (M_FERET_ANGLE_SEARCH_END - M_FERET_ANGLE_SEARCH_START) / M_NUMBER_OF_FERETS. Note that increasing the number of Ferets increases the accuracy of the results; however, it also increases the processing time. INQ (summarize)Sets the number of Feret angles to use to calculate M_FERET_MAX_DIAMETER, M_FERET_MIN_DIAMETER, M_FERET_MAX_ANGLE, M_FERET_MIN_ANGLE, M_FERET_MEAN_DIAMETER, M_FERET_ELONGATION, and M_CONVEX_PERIMETER. INQ (more details...) |
Specifies the default value; the default value is 8. |
Value |
Specifies the number of Ferets. |
The following values allow you to select groups of edge features for calculation in a single call.
For selecting groups of edge features
Description | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ControlValue | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sets whether to calculate all edge features. (summarize)Sets whether to calculate all edge features. (more details...) |
Same as M_DISABLE. |
Specifies that all edge features will not be calculated. |
Specifies that all edge features will be calculated. |
Sets whether to calculate the four extreme edgel coordinates of each edge (M_BOX_X_MIN, M_BOX_X_MAX, M_BOX_Y_MIN, and M_BOX_Y_MAX). (summarize)Sets whether to calculate the four extreme edgel coordinates of each edge (M_BOX_X_MIN, M_BOX_X_MAX, M_BOX_Y_MIN, and M_BOX_Y_MAX). (more details...) |
Same as M_DISABLE. |
Specifies that all the extreme edgel coordinates will not be calculated. |
Specifies that all the extreme edgel coordinates will be calculated. |
Sets whether to calculate the X- and Y-coordinates of the center of gravity of each edge (M_CENTER_OF_GRAVITY_X and M_CENTER_OF_GRAVITY_Y). (summarize)Sets whether to calculate the X- and Y-coordinates of the center of gravity of each edge (M_CENTER_OF_GRAVITY_X and M_CENTER_OF_GRAVITY_Y). (more details...) |
Same as M_DISABLE. |
Specifies that both the X- and Y-coordinates of the center of gravity will not be calculated. |
Specifies that both the X- and Y-coordinates of the center of gravity will be calculated. |
Sets whether to calculate the circle fit values of each edge (M_CIRCLE_FIT_CENTER_X, M_CIRCLE_FIT_CENTER_Y, M_CIRCLE_FIT_RADIUS, M_CIRCLE_FIT_ERROR, and M_CIRCLE_FIT_COVERAGE). (summarize)Sets whether to calculate the circle fit values of each edge (M_CIRCLE_FIT_CENTER_X, M_CIRCLE_FIT_CENTER_Y, M_CIRCLE_FIT_RADIUS, M_CIRCLE_FIT_ERROR, and M_CIRCLE_FIT_COVERAGE). (more details...) |
Same as M_DISABLE. |
Specifies that all the circle fit values will not be calculated. |
Specifies that all the circle fit values will be calculated. |
Sets whether to calculate the minimum/maximum X-coordinate at the minimum/maximum Y-coordinate of each edge (M_X_MIN_AT_Y_MIN, M_X_MAX_AT_Y_MAX, M_Y_MAX_AT_X_MIN, and M_Y_MIN_AT_X_MAX). Together with its corresponding extreme edgel coordinate, these points represent four contact points on the convex perimeter of the edge. For example, M_X_MIN_AT_Y_MIN and M_BOX_Y_MIN is one of the four contact points. (summarize)Sets whether to calculate the minimum/maximum X-coordinate at the minimum/maximum Y-coordinate of each edge (M_X_MIN_AT_Y_MIN, M_X_MAX_AT_Y_MAX, M_Y_MAX_AT_X_MIN, and M_Y_MIN_AT_X_MAX). (more details...) |
Same as M_DISABLE. |
Specifies that the four contact points will not be calculated. |
Specifies that the four contact points will be calculated. |
Same as M_DISABLE. |
Specifies that all the ellipse fit values will not be calculated. |
Specifies that all the ellipse fit values will be calculated. |
M_FERET_BOX | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Same as M_DISABLE. |
Specifies that the X- and Y-Feret values will not be calculated. |
Specifies that the X- and Y-Feret values will be calculated. |
Sets whether to calculate the X- and Y-coordinate of each edge's first point (M_FIRST_POINT_X, and M_FIRST_POINT_Y). (summarize)Sets whether to calculate the X- and Y-coordinate of each edge's first point (M_FIRST_POINT_X, and M_FIRST_POINT_Y). (more details...) |
Same as M_DISABLE. |
Specifies that the X- and Y-coordinate of each edge's first point will not be calculated. |
Specifies that the X- and Y-coordinate of each edge's first point will be calculated. |
Sets whether to calculate the line fit values of each edge (M_LINE_FIT_A, M_LINE_FIT_B, M_LINE_FIT_C, and M_LINE_FIT_ERROR). (summarize)Sets whether to calculate the line fit values of each edge (M_LINE_FIT_A, M_LINE_FIT_B, M_LINE_FIT_C, and M_LINE_FIT_ERROR). (more details...) |
Same as M_DISABLE. |
Specifies that all the line fit values will not be calculated. |
Specifies that all the line fit values will be calculated. |
Sets whether to calculate both the X- and Y-position of each edge (M_POSITION_X and M_POSITION_Y). (summarize)Sets whether to calculate both the X- and Y-position of each edge (M_POSITION_X and M_POSITION_Y). (more details...) |
Same as M_DISABLE. |
Specifies that both the X- and Y-position will not be calculated. |
Specifies that both the X- and Y-position will be calculated. |
The following ControlType and corresponding ControlValue parameter settings are used when performing post-calculations on extracted edges and can typically be specified for both M_CONTOUR and M_CREST Edge Finder contexts.
For performing post-calculations on extracted
Description | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ControlValue | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sets the resolution of edge approximation. INQ (summarize)Sets the resolution of edge approximation. INQ (more details...) |
Specifies the default value; the default value is 50.0. |
0.0 <= Value <= 100.0 |
Specifies the resolution. When set to 0.0, a very fine edge approximation is performed. When set to 100.0, a coarse edge approximation is performed. (summarize)Specifies the resolution. (more details...) |
Sets the simple geometric feature used when performing the edge approximation. INQ (summarize)Sets the simple geometric feature used when performing the edge approximation. INQ (more details...) |
Same as M_DISABLE. |
Specifies that the edge approximation will not be performed. In this case, only the edge map is calculated. (summarize)Specifies that the edge approximation will not be performed. (more details...) |
Specifies that the edge approximation will be performed using a polygonal segmentation of each edge, in pixel units. In this case, both the edge map and the edge approximation are calculated. (summarize)Specifies that the edge approximation will be performed using a polygonal segmentation of each edge, in pixel units. (more details...) |
Specifies that the edge approximation will be performed using a polygonal segmentation of each edge, in world units. In this case, both the edge map and the edge approximation are calculated. If M_CHAIN_APPROXIMATION is set to M_WORLD_LINE, calling MedgeCalculate() to perform the calculation generates an error if the operation is not performed on a calibrated image. (summarize)Specifies that the edge approximation will be performed using a polygonal segmentation of each edge, in world units. (more details...) |
Sets the aperture angle, starting at the line's tangent at the point of interest, where Edge Finder searches for edge extremity candidates when filling edge gaps. That is, M_FILL_GAP_ANGLE, along with M_FILL_GAP_DISTANCE, define a region where two chain extremities can be linked. Note that two chain extremities can only be linked if both are included in the search region of the other. INQ (summarize)Sets the aperture angle, starting at the line's tangent at the point of interest, where Edge Finder searches for edge extremity candidates when filling edge gaps. INQ (more details...) |
Specifies the default value; the default value is 360.0°. |
0.0 <= Value <= 360.0 |
Specifies the aperture angle, in degrees. |
Sets whether to join an edge extremity with the other extremity of the same edge, or with an extremity of any edge. INQ (summarize)Sets whether to join an edge extremity with the other extremity of the same edge, or with an extremity of any edge. INQ (more details...) |
Same as M_ANY. |
Specifies that the extremity of an edge can be connected with the extremity of any edge. |
Specifies that the extremity of an edge can only be connected with the other extremity of the same edge. |
Sets the continuity constraint used when performing edge gap filling, when more than one edge extremity candidate is present. Among the whole set of extremity candidate edgels found, the one which fulfills the continuity criteria best is chosen to fill the gap. INQ (summarize)Sets the continuity constraint used when performing edge gap filling, when more than one edge extremity candidate is present. INQ (more details...) |
Specifies the default value; the default value is 50.0. |
0.0 <= Value <= 100.0 |
Specifies the continuity constraint. When set to 0.0, the closest candidate is chosen to link edge segments together. When set to 100.0, the candidate that gives the most continuous result (minimum curvature) is chosen. (summarize)Specifies the continuity constraint. (more details...) |
Sets the maximum distance radius where Edge Finder searches for edge extremity candidates when filling edge gaps. That is, M_FILL_GAP_DISTANCE, along with M_FILL_GAP_ANGLE, define a region where two chain extremities can be linked. Note that two chain extremities can only be linked if both are included in the search region of the other. INQ (summarize)Sets the maximum distance radius where Edge Finder searches for edge extremity candidates when filling edge gaps. INQ (more details...) |
Specifies the default value; the default value is 0.0 pixels. |
Specifies an infinite maximum distance radius. |
Value |
Specifies the maximum distance radius, in pixels. Note that generally, large values should not be set. Typically, you would set M_FILL_GAP_DISTANCE to a value in the range of 2 to 5 pixels. (summarize)Specifies the maximum distance radius, in pixels. (more details...) |
Sets the use of the edge polarity to perform the filling of edge gaps. INQ (summarize)Sets the use of the edge polarity to perform the filling of edge gaps. INQ (more details...) |
Same as M_ANY. |
Specifies that gaps between edges will be filled, regardless of their polarity. |
Specifies that gaps between edges that have reverse polarity will be filled. Note that M_REVERSE is not available for M_CREST Edge Finder contexts. (summarize)Specifies that gaps between edges that have reverse polarity will be filled. (more details...) |
Specifies that gaps between edges that have the same polarity will be filled. Note that M_SAME is not available for M_CREST Edge Finder contexts. (summarize)Specifies that gaps between edges that have the same polarity will be filled. (more details...) |
The following ControlType and corresponding ControlValue parameter settings can be specified for an Edge Finder result buffer.
For a result buffer
Description | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ControlValue | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sets the size of the cross used to identify certain features when drawing with MedgeDraw(). This cross is used to draw the edge's edgels (M_DRAW_EDGELS), mid-point (M_DRAW_POSITION), and center of gravity (M_DRAW_CENTER_OF_GRAVITY). For more information, see MedgeDraw(). INQ (summarize)Sets the size of the cross used to identify certain features when drawing with MedgeDraw(). INQ (more details...) |
Specifies the default value; the default value is 4.0 pixels. |
Value |
Specifies the size of the cross, in pixels. |
Sets whether the Edge Finder result buffer can be used with a Model Finder context. When used together, you can define models from the result of an edge extraction, or you can find model occurrences in the result of an edge extraction. INQ (summarize)Sets whether the Edge Finder result buffer can be used with a Model Finder context. INQ (more details...) |
Same as M_DISABLE. |
Specifies that the Edge Finder result buffer cannot be used with a Model Finder context. |
Specifies that the Edge Finder result buffer can be used with a Model Finder context. |
Sets the radius distance used to select the closest edge or edges from a point. For more information, see the MedgeSelect() Condition parameter values M_NEAREST_NEIGHBOR and M_ALL_NEAREST_NEIGHBORS. INQ (summarize)Sets the radius distance used to select the closest edge or edges from a point. INQ (more details...) |
Specifies the default value; the default value is 2.0 pixels. |
Value |
Specifies the radius distance, in pixels. |
Sets whether to return results in pixels or world units. This essentially sets the output coordinate system to use. The setting of this control type will only affect functions within this module which return positional results. This control type can be changed at any time to return results in the required output units. INQ (summarize)Sets whether to return results in pixels or world units. INQ (more details...) |
Specifies that results are returned in world units if the result was calculated on an image associated with a camera calibration context; otherwise, specifies that results are returned in pixel units. |
Specifies that results are returned in pixel units, with respect to the pixel coordinate system. |
Specifies that results are returned in world units, with respect to the relative coordinate system. If world units are specifed, calling MedgeGetResult() or MedgeGetNeighbors() generates an error if the result was not calculated on a calibrated image. (summarize)Specifies that results are returned in world units, with respect to the relative coordinate system. (more details...) |
The following ControlType and corresponding ControlValue parameter settings are used to set closest-edgel constraints for MedgeGetNeighbors(). This function retrieves the coordinates of edgels, from an Edge Finder result buffer, that meet the constraints set below, and correspond to the closest neighbors from a list of user-specified source points.
The following values can only be specified for an Edge Finder result buffer.
For setting closest-edgel constraints
Description | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ControlValue | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sets the gradient angle that an edgel must have, before being considered a candidate, when finding the closest edgels to a list of points. M_NEIGHBOR_ANGLE is based on a source angle, which you must provide for each source point, with MedgeGetNeighbors(). Note that you can set a tolerance for this angle, using MedgeControl() with M_NEIGHBOR_ANGLE_TOLERANCE. M_NEIGHBOR_ANGLE can only be used if the internal angle buffer (MedgeControl() with M_SAVE_ANGLE) was initially saved. INQ (summarize)Sets the gradient angle that an edgel must have, before being considered a candidate, when finding the closest edgels to a list of points. INQ (more details...) |
Same as M_ANY. |
Specifies that the edgel candidate can have any gradient angle. Note that M_ANY is equivalent to setting M_NEIGHBOR_ANGLE_TOLERANCE to 360.0°. In this case, you need not provide the source angle(s) in MedgeGetNeighbors(). (summarize)Specifies that the edgel candidate can have any gradient angle. (more details...) |
Specifies that the gradient angle of the edgel candidate must have the reverse angle (+ 180°) of the source point. |
Specifies that the gradient angle of the edgel candidate must have the same angle as the source point. |
Specifies that the gradient angle of the edgel candidate must either have the same, or the reverse angle of the source point. |
Sets the angular tolerance to use for the angle constraint (M_NEIGHBOR_ANGLE), when finding the closest edgels to a list of points. Only edgels that have a gradient angle that falls within this angular range can be returned. Note that M_NEIGHBOR_ANGLE_TOLERANCE is ignored if M_NEIGHBOR_ANGLE is set to M_ANY. INQ (summarize)Sets the angular tolerance to use for the angle constraint (M_NEIGHBOR_ANGLE), when finding the closest edgels to a list of points. INQ (more details...) |
Specifies the default value; the default value is 180.0°. |
0.0 <= Value <= 360.0 |
Specifies the angular tolerance, in degrees. This value is applied to the angle constraint. Note that setting M_NEIGHBOR_ANGLE_TOLERANCE to 360.0° is equivalent to setting M_NEIGHBOR_ANGLE to M_ANY. (summarize)Specifies the angular tolerance, in degrees. (more details...) |
Sets the maximum number of edgels that can be returned (for each point), when finding the closest edgels to a list of points. INQ (summarize)Sets the maximum number of edgels that can be returned (for each point), when finding the closest edgels to a list of points. INQ (more details...) |
Specifies the default value; the default value is 1. |
Value |
Specifies the maximum number of edgels. |
Sets the minimum distance separating closest edgel candidates within the same edge, when finding the closest edgels to a list of points. INQ (summarize)Sets the minimum distance separating closest edgel candidates within the same edge, when finding the closest edgels to a list of points. INQ (more details...) |
Same as M_INFINITE. |
Specifies no minimum distance separating two edgel candidates. |
Value >= 1 |
Specifies the minimum distance, in edgels. |
Sets the search angle constraint (applied the Edge Finder result buffer), when finding the closest edgels to a list of points. Only edgels that are located along this angle can be returned. M_SEARCH_ANGLE is relative to the source angle set with MedgeGetNeighbors(). Note that you can set the angular tolerance and the angular orientation for M_SEARCH_ANGLE, using MedgeControl() with M_SEARCH_ANGLE_TOLERANCE and M_SEARCH_ANGLE_SIGN, respectively. M_SEARCH_ANGLE, M_SEARCH_ANGLE_TOLERANCE, and M_SEARCH_ANGLE_SIGN limit the search region for potential edgel candidates to an angular sector within the Edge Finder result buffer. Only edgels that are located within this region can be returned. INQ (summarize)Sets the search angle constraint (applied the Edge Finder result buffer), when finding the closest edgels to a list of points. INQ (more details...) |
Specifies the default value; the default value is 0.0°. |
0.0 <= Value <= 360.0 |
Specifies the angle, in degrees. |
Sets the orientation to use for the search angle constraint, when finding the closest edgels to a list of points. The orientation is relative to the source angle set with MedgeGetNeighbors(). For example, if the source angle is 45°, then the reverse orientation would be 225°. Note that you can set the search angle and the angular tolerance for M_SEARCH_ANGLE_SIGN, using MedgeControl() with M_SEARCH_ANGLE and M_SEARCH_ANGLE_TOLERANCE, respectively. M_SEARCH_ANGLE, M_SEARCH_ANGLE_TOLERANCE, and M_SEARCH_ANGLE_SIGN limit the search region for potential edgel candidates to an angular sector within the Edge Finder result buffer. Only edgels that are located within this region can be returned. INQ (summarize)Sets the orientation to use for the search angle constraint, when finding the closest edgels to a list of points. INQ (more details...) |
Same as M_SAME. |
Specifies that the orientation of the angle must be the reverse (+ 180°) of the source angle. That is, the angle used will look flipped when compared to the source angle. (summarize)Specifies that the orientation of the angle must be the reverse (+ 180°) of the source angle. (more details...) |
Specifies that the orientation of the angle must be the same as the source angle. |
Specifies that the orientation of the angle can be the same as, or the reverse of, the source angle. |
Sets the angular tolerance to use for the search angle constraint, when finding the closest edgels to a list of points. Only edgels that are located within this angular range (in the Edge Finder result buffer) can be returned. Note that you can set the search angle and the angular orientation for M_SEARCH_ANGLE_TOLERANCE, using MedgeControl() with M_SEARCH_ANGLE and M_SEARCH_ANGLE_SIGN, respectively. M_SEARCH_ANGLE, M_SEARCH_ANGLE_TOLERANCE, and M_SEARCH_ANGLE_SIGN limit the search region for potential edgel candidates to an angular sector within the Edge Finder result buffer. Only edgels that are located within this region can be returned. INQ (summarize)Sets the angular tolerance to use for the search angle constraint, when finding the closest edgels to a list of points. INQ (more details...) |
Specifies the default value; the default value is 360.0°. |
0.0 <= Value <= 360.0 |
Specifies the angle, in degrees. |
Sets the maximum radius distance in the Edge Finder result buffer that will be searched for the closest edgels. You must use MedgeGetNeighbors() to specify the source point from which the radius is measured. Used together, M_SEARCH_RADIUS_MAX and M_SEARCH_RADIUS_MIN define a ring-like region, in the Edge Finder result buffer, that will be used to find the closest edgels. All edgels that fall outside this ring will be ignored. INQ (summarize)Sets the maximum radius distance in the Edge Finder result buffer that will be searched for the closest edgels. INQ (more details...) |
Same as M_INFINITE. |
Specifies a maximum distance radius that spans all edgels in the Edge Finder result buffer. |
Value |
Specifies the maximum distance radius, in pixels. |
Sets the minimum radius distance in the Edge Finder result buffer that will be searched for the closest edgels. You must use MedgeGetNeighbors() to specify the source point from which the radius is measured. Used together, M_SEARCH_RADIUS_MAX and M_SEARCH_RADIUS_MIN define a ring-like region, in the Edge Finder result buffer, that will be used to find the closest edgels. All edgels that fall outside this ring will be ignored. INQ (summarize)Sets the minimum radius distance in the Edge Finder result buffer that will be searched for the closest edgels. INQ (more details...) |
Specifies the default value; the default value is 0 pixels. |
Value |
Specifies the minimum distance radius, in pixels. |
ContextOrResultId See ContextOrResultId of the main function for a description. ControlType See ControlType of the main function for a description. ControlValue See ControlValue of the main function for a description. |
ContextOrResultId See ContextOrResultId of the main function for a description. ControlType See ControlType of the main function for a description. ControlValue See ControlValue of the main function for a description. |
Header | Include mil.h. |
Library | Use mil.lib; miledge.lib. |
DLL | Requires mil.dll; miledge.dll. |